Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Restorative Yoga

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562605200 1562608800

Restorative yoga focuses on relaxation of the mind and body. Bolsters, straps and other props will be used to support the body in various postures which allows one to move towards a state of balance. This practice soothes the nervous system, helps quiet the mind and allows one to release deeply held tension.

Monday July 8th to August 26th (No class August 5th)

Cost: $21 for 7 sessions

To register Call 905-885-2626 ext 280

Location: 99 Toronto Rd, Port Hope

Community Health Centres of Northumberland
99 Toronto Rd
Port Hope

Community Event - Kingston - Community NUTRITION Workshop @ Thrive Chiropractic

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561068000 1561070700

COMMUNITY WORKSHOP: @ Thrive Chiropractic

214 Wellington Street Kingston, ON K7K 2Y7

(613) 217-1560


Join us for our first workshop on Thursday, June 20th starting at 6:00pm, where we will discuss the importance of proper nutrition. Launch your health goals by learning how nutrition can support healing at a cellular level! We will be covering topics including:

  • Popular Diets – Do they work or not?

  • Supplementation – is it necessary?

  • Relationship between inflammation, insulin resistance and blood

    glucose – How does this affect your health?

  • Cold pressed juice

  • Should you eat organic?

Everyone is welcome! Please register online as space is limited. To sign up for the workshop, go to the following URL and click on “Nutrition Workshop”.

We are thrilled to be a part of such a great community! We are the only chiropractic centre located conveniently in the Downtown Kingston Core and we want to help as many people as we can to get pain free and to have their health thrive!




Thrive Chiropractic
214 Wellington Street
K7K 2Y7

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Gentle Yoga

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562253300 1562256900

Yoga has many benefits such as increasing flexibility, improving breathing, helping with balance and helping one to live a healthy and stress free lifestyle. We welcome participants of all levels. 

Monday 10am to 11am or 11:15am to 12:15pm: Cost$21 (7 weeks)

Thursday 11:15am to 12:15pm ($27 for 9 weeks)

Wednesday 5pm to 6pm or 6pm to 7pm ($27 for 9 weeks)

Registration starts Tuesday June 18th at 11am call 905-885-2626 ext 280


Community Health Centres of Northumberland
99 Toronto Rd
Port Hope

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Home Alone Course - ages 10 to 14

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565962200 1565971200

This FREE 2.5 hour course will provide youth with the skills and knowledge that will assist them in being confident about staying home alone. Through interactive games
and activities participants will learn about how to stay safe in various situations and what to do in case of an emergency.

Friday August 16th
9:30am to 12:00pm  
Ages 10 to 14

Location: 99 Toronto Rd, Port Hope

Call 905-885-2626 ext 280 to register

Community Health Centres of Northumberland
99 Toronto Rd
Port Hope

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Plants to Plates - Ages 7 to 10

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562765400 1562772600
1563370200 1563377400
1563975000 1563982200
1564579800 1564587000
1565184600 1565191800
1565789400 1565796600

Plants to Plates is a food education program for children which was developed by the Ecology Action Centre. This program takes a “Plants to Plates” approach, pairing kitchen skill building with garden activities and making connections between how food is grown and how to prepare nutritious, tasty meals.

Wednesdays: July 10th to August 14th; 9:30am to 11:30am
6 Sessions (Sign up for one or all six)
Ages 7 to 10


Call 905-885-2626 ext 280 to Register

Location: 99 Toronto Road Port Hope

Community Health Centres of Northumberland
99 Toronto Rd
Port Hope

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - One Life Lost to Addiction is One Life Too Many

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1561035600 1561042800

Ken Daniels, Detroit Red Wings Announcer, will talk about the death of his son due to addiction on June 20 from 9am to 11am at Roseland Golf & Curling Club. Tix $25. Details @

Événement communautaire - Montmagny - Fête du Canada à Montmagny

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561986000 1562036400

Le 1er juillet, c’est la fête du Canada à Montmagny!

Marché aux puces, structures gonflables, amuseurs publics, musiciens ambulants et défi-Évasion mobile sont entre autres au programme de cette fête familiale gratuite! À 14 h 30, à la place Montel, on pourra voir le spectacle de cirque haut en couleur JUKEBOX alors que le soir venu, c’est à la promenade du Bassin que le groupe The Heartbreak Kids se produira avant et après le lancement des feux d’artifice à 21 h 30.

La fête du Canada, c’est à Montmagny que ça se célèbre!

Détails à

Secteur de la place Montel
101 A, avenue Sainte-Julie
G5V 2M2

Community Event - Chatham - CARSTAR Chatham Car Wash for Cystic Fibrosis

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560603600 1560614400

CARSTAR locations from across North America host Soaps It Up car washes to fundraise for cystic fibrosis research, care and advocacy. Join CARSTAR Chatham Imperial, Saturday, June 15 from 9am-Noon in their charity car wash, BBQ and fun for the whole family!

A donation of $5 gets your car washed, with proceeds going to Cystic Fibrosis Canada. CARSTAR’s support of the cause started twenty years ago when a franchise partners granddaughter was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The CARSTAR franchise family came together to rally and raise money to fight the disease, and has only accelerated its fundraising efforts since. In total, CARSTAR has raised over $3.7MM for cystic fibrosis related charities and initiatives.


CARSTAR Chatham Imperial
449 Riverview Drive
N7M 0N3

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Illness Support Group for the Kawartha Lakes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563818400 1563823800

Free to attend.  Living with Illness Support Group hosted by Community Care at Hospice Services, 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay, on July 22nd from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m..  A group for those who are currently living with a life limiting disease, such as cancer, end-stage COPD, Renal disease, heart failure or ALS. Call 705-879-4123 for more information.

Community Care Hospice Services
2 Kent St. W.
K9V 2Y1

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Cancer Support Group for the Kawartha Lakes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562608800 1562614200

Living with Cancer Support Group hosted by Community Care at Hospice Services, 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay on July 8th, from 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.  A group for those living with cancer or undergoing treatment. Free to attend. Call 705-879-4123 for more information.

Community Care Hospice Services
2 Kent St. W.
K9V 2Y1