Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Express Summer Camp

Submitted by cdanby on
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August 12 - 16, 9am-3pm at Sandwich Teen Action Group, 3735 King St. Ages 7-17, all skill levels welcome. $150 per child. 

What to bring:

  • Lunch (school rule)
  • Athletic clothing
  • Running shoes 
  • water bottle 


  • Sports bag
  • Snacks
  • Prizes 
  • Lunch Party (Friday)

Extended care offered at extra cost. To learn more & to register call 519-800-3665 or visit

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Tecumseh Hosts Women On Fire Event

Submitted by cdanby on
1560312000 1560398340
1561780800 1561867140

The Town of Tecusmeh’s Fire & Rescue Services is pleased to host the second annual #WomenOnFire event. The event is supported by St. Clair College and—new this year—the Canadian Armed Forces. #WomenOnFire aims to promote diversity in emergency responder organizations like Fire, Police, EMS, Canada Border Services (CBSA) and the Canadian Armed Forces within Windsor and Essex County as well as Chatham-Kent.

#WomenOnFire provides a female only recruitment training opportunity for women 18 years and older, to try out various components of each organizations’ physical testing, ask questions, network with women already working within the organizations and to have an opportunity to mentor with these women if they choose.

“We are proud to host this important event within Tecumseh with connections to the broader Essex Region and Chatham-Kent areas,” said Doug Pitre, Fire Chief and Director Tecumseh Fire & Rescue Services. “The event draws attention to increasing the number of women in emergency services. I’m proud of Donna for putting together this event for the second year and her efforts to promote diversity in our fields.”

The initiative was created by Donna Desantis, a Volunteer Firefighter with Tecumseh Fire & Rescue Services and a City of Windsor Facilities Supervisor. Donna has championed many initiatives and events aimed at educating, mentoring, advising and training young women interested in entering and succeeding at non-traditional employment opportunities in emergency response organizations in Windsor and Essex County.

“Our goal has always been to generate interest in an emergency services career for women,” said Donna Desantis. “I hope that by providing opportunities like this, we will see an increase in diversity which will in turn benefit local organizations and all municipalities in the region.”

The event will be held Saturday June 29, (rain date Sunday June 30) at Tecumseh Fire Station # 2, 5520 Walker Road, Oldcastle. Registration is on a first come/first served basis. There will be three 2-hour sessions, (8:30am-10:30am, 11:00am-1:00pm, and 2:00pm-4:00pm) with a break in between each session. Participants must wear appropriate attire including footwear, bring their own water, and will be required to sign a waiver and provide proof of age (over 18) at time of sign-in (max. half hour before event starts). There will be 15 openings per time slot, per service provider (Fire, Police, EMS, CBSA, Canadian Armed Forces).

Visit the Facebook Event page at which also provides some information, instructions to participants, parking, and required waivers.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Museum Windsor - Film Screening: Rumble

Submitted by cdanby on
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June 15, 2pm at Chimczuk Museum film screening of Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World. Rumble highlights the role of Native Americans in popular music history. Regular admission fees apply. For more info visit

Community Event - Belleville - Mid-Day Meditation

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562605200 1562608800

This summer, take a real break over your lunch hour and join us at the Belleville Public Library on Mondays from 1-2 pm for Mid-Day Meditation! In partnership with Quinte Mind & Body, we will be hosting meditation workshops and practices. Dana Goodfellow, a certified meditation instructor, will be in the Library on July 8 and 29 to provide a 45 minute introduction to meditation. On all other Mondays from July 15-August 26, we will be offering guided meditation practice with Dana Goodfellow’s recorded practices. These workshops and practices are open to anyone, whether you’re a seasoned meditator or completely new! Go back to your day completely refreshed; all are welcome, and no registration is required for these free sessions!

For more information please call 613-968-6731 x2037.

Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle St.,
K8N 3B1

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Gord Smith Healthy Workplace Awards

Submitted by cdanby on
1560312000 1560398340
1562904000 1562990340

Gord Smith Healthy Workplace Award recipients demonstrates a commitment to comprehensive wellness programming for employees, and ideally, for family members and retirees. Employers promote health using awareness raising, education or skill-building, environmental supports, and supportive policies. 

Bike Friendly Workplace Awards recipients support employees to use their bicycle as a form of active transportation. Employers do this through promotion, education, environmental support, incentives and policy. 

The Awards are available to all workplaces in Windsor and Essex County. Workplaces receive a plaque, a custom e-signature, and recognition at an awards ceremony. 

Benefits for your workplace: 

  • Better job performance
  • Increased productivity 
  • Increased morale 
  • Reduced absenteeism 
  • Decreased staff turnover 
  • Fewer injuries 

Key dates: 

  • June 28 - Intent to Apply Deadline
  • August 16 - Online Application Deadline 
  • October 31 - Awards Ceremony

New this year 

The Rising Star Award is a new entry-level Gord Smith Healthy Workplace Award for employers who are beginning their workplace wellness journey. There are two requirements: one workplace wellness activity and a statement of the employer's commitment to employee wellness. 

The Long Service Award is a new recognition of 5-year increments for receiving any level Gord Smith Healthy Workplace or Bike Friendly Workplace Award (i.e. 5 years, 10 years). 

For more information call 519-258-2146 ext. 3200 or or email

Community Event - Belleville - AOTS Strawberry Social

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561669200 1561676400

Trenton United Church

85 Dundas Street East, Trenton

Thursday, June 27   5pm-7pm  

Trenton Citizens Band Concert at 6pm

Strawberries, cake, ice cream and beverage

Adulut: $8   Child: $4   Tickets available at the door

Trenton United Church
85 Dundas Street East
K8V 1K8