Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Summer Workshop Fairy Gardens

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563971400 1563984000

The Victorian era saw an increase in the interest in fairies and elves as settlers looked back to the folk tales of their ancestors. Fairies and elves were both good and bad, pranksters and helpful. They were the guardians of nature, woodland animals and gardens. They were helpful if you respected them, but caused problems when you didn't. In this workshop children will create their own fantastical woodland village using natural and recycled materials.

Programs run from 9:30am - 12pm. The cost is $20 per attendant and pre-registration is required. For  ages 6-12. Children are encouraged to bring their own snacks.

For more information phone 705-743-9710 or visit the website at or visit us on Facebook!

Hutchison House Museum
270 Brock Street
K9H 2P9

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Summer Workshop Pioneer Days

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563366600 1563379200

Step back into the 19th Century and become a pioneer in this fun program. Children will cook on the fire, make rag dolls, write with quill pens and play pioneer games.

Programs run from 9:30am - 12pm. The cost is $20 per attendant and pre-registration is required. For  ages 6-12. Children are encouraged to bring their own snacks.

For more information phone 705-743-9710 or visit the website at or visit us on Facebook!

Hutchison House Museum
270 Brock Street
K9H 2P9

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Summer Workshop Felting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562765400 1562774400

Felt is one of the oldest textiles and is used for a variety of purposes, from clothing to cars and art or musical instruments. Children will learn how to make their own felt pictures from raw wool.

Programs run from 9:30am - 12pm. The cost is $20 per attendant and pre-registration is required. For  ages 6-12. Children are encouraged to bring their own snacks.

For more information phone 705-743-9710 or visit the website at or visit us on Facebook!

Hutchison House Museum
270 Brock Street
K9H 2P9

Community Event - Belleville - Kick off your summer with a Strawberry Tea!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561219200 1561230000

Start your summer the traditional way, at a Strawberry Tea. Enjoy fancy sandwiches, local strawberries with ice cream, home-made cake and bottomless coffee or tea, all for only $10.00. It's happening in the St Mary Magdalene Church Hall, 335 Main Street, Picton, on Saturday, June 22, from noon to 3:00 pm. Proceeds go to community outreach.

St Mary Magdalene Church Hall
335 Main Street East

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - National Indigenous Peoples' Day Celebrations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561125600 1561143600

A celebration of National Indigenous Peoples’ Day takes place Friday June 21, at Rotary Park James Street, Pembroke 10 am to 3pm. Enjoy indigenous and Metis teaching workshops, vendors, information booths, kids’ crafts, face painting and bouncy castle. Free admission. Sponsored by The Anishinaabe Cultural Circle.

Pembroke Rotary Park
James Street
K8A 3J5
Pembroke, Ontario

Événement communautaire - Baie-Comeau - Randonnée Vélo Santé Alcoa

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1566532800 1566619140
1566619200 1566705540
1566705600 1566791940

La Randonnée Vélo Santé – Alcoa tiendra sa 16e édition les 23, 24 et 25 août prochains. Les cyclistes participants parcourront, en trois jours, les 300 km du territoire desservi par le Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de la Côte-Nord – région Haute-Côte-Nord / Manicouagan, soit de Sacré-Cœur à Baie-Trinité.

Comme citoyen de la région, vous êtes invités à participer en encourageant l’un des 78 cyclistes, par l’achat de billets/km au coût de 5 $ chacun. Vous aurez peut-être la chance de gagner un des 41 prix en tirage, d’une valeur totale de 11 045 $.

Cette année, votre contribution permettra l’achat d’un équipement spécialisé en urologie, pour faciliter les biopsies permettant le dépistage des cancers de la prostate et un appareil d’imagerie de pointe utilisé en ophtalmologie. L’objectif financier est de 120 000 $.

Procurez-vous dès maintenant vos billets/km auprès des cyclistes ou en communiquant avec la Fondation, au  418 589-3701 poste 302293.

Vous pouvez également encourager un cycliste-participant par un don en ligne en CLIQUANT ICI!

Haute-Côte-Nord / Manicouagan
635, boul. Jolliet
G5C 1P1

Public Notices/Announcements - North Bay - North Bay Horticultural Society Strawberry Social

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560812400 1560819600

Meeting - the North Bay Horticultural Society will be meeting at 312 Greenwood Avenue in Christ Church on Monday, June 17th at 7 p.m. for our annual Strawberry Social and Gardening Gab with our Master Gardeners.  Share gardening successes and failures while enjoying strawberry themed desserts.  There will also be a presentation on Seed Saving.  Participants are welcome to bring seeds to share with fellow gardeners.  Guests and new members welcome.


Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Coffee Talk Bereavement Support Group

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562682600 1562686200

Beginning next Tuesday, June 11th, drop into Chatham-Kent Hospice for their Coffee Talk Bereavement Support Group. This will be an informal place where you can share and learn with others who are on their own grief journey. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 10:30-11:30am.