Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - What is MAY COURT? An All-Volunteer thrift store!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559534400 1559620740

What is MAY COURT?   We are an ALL-VOLUNTEER thrift store in the Wyandotte Town Center!  

Need something for Dad?  The kids?  Yourself?  Summer is here!

The MAY COURT store is stocked for the season!!!

Low, low, low prices!!  All proceeds  to LOCAL child and youth charities.


Monday  1-4p.m.

Tuesday  10a.m.-4p.m.

Wednesday  10a.m.-4p.m.

Thursday  10a.m.-4p.m.

Friday  1-4p.m.

Saturday  11a.m.-2p.m.

Community Event - Belleville - Probus Club of Belleville

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559534400 1559620740

Probus Club of Belleville welcome retirees and semi retirees to its meetings. The  guest speaker on Thursday, June 13th is Christian Jaehn-Kreibaum. The topic will be "Kate's Journey to Better Health". The speaker on Thursday, June 27th is D'Arcy Jenish. His topic will be "The Making of the October Crisis: Canada's Long Nightmare of Terrorism at the Hands of the FLQ". We meet at 10 a.m. at Maranatha Church, 100 College Street West, Belleville.

Maranatha Church
100 College Street West
K8P 2G5

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Voyage à Travers le Monde

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560555000 1560562200
1560708000 1560715200

L’Harmonie Rythmica (Harmonie Salaberry-de-Valleyfield) vous invite à son concert ‘Voyage à Travers le Monde’, sous la direction de Philippe Ménard.

Une balade musicale qui vous amènera aux quatre coins de la planète sur des airs de Bernstein, Mozart, Lloyd Webber et Bizet, entre autres.

En nouveauté cette année, deux dates :

  • 14 juin 2019, à 19 h 30, à l’auditorium de l’école secondaire Des-Patriotes-de-Beauharnois (250 Gagnon, Beauharnois)
  • 16 juin 2019, à 14 h, à l’Édifice Gaétan-Rousse (110 Mathias, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)


Le coût des billets est de 15$ pour les adultes et de 7$ pour les 6-12 ans (gratuit pour les tout-petits).


Les billets sont en vente via les musiciens, ou en visitant notre page Internet ( ou notre page Facebook (

Vous pouvez aussi aller directement sur Eventbrite :

14 juin: école secondaire Des-Patriotes-de-Beauharnois (250 Gagnon, Beauharnois) / 16 juin: édifice Gaétan-Rousse
110 Mathias
J6T 3L6

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Horticultural Society Speaker Event

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561417200 1561422600

Speaker Lise Bois of Prince Edward County Horticultural Society will share tips on creating a pollinator garden, including plants that are nectar sources, host plants for larvae and providing shelter and water for the many types of pollinators that are so important to our ecosystem.

Brockville Wesleyan Church
33 Central Avenue West
K6V 4N4

Community Event - Sarnia - Pickin' n Fiddlin'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561161600 1561176000


Friday JUNE 21, 2019 Pickin' n Fiddlin' will be held at Wyoming Legion from 8:00 p.m. till midnight.  Door donations will go to Sarnia Pathways this month. Sponsored by the Wyoming Legion Ladies Auxiliary. All musicians and public welcome

Wyoming Legion
493 Erie St.
N0N 1T0

Community Event - Chatham - Pickin' n Fiddlin'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561161600 1561176000


Friday JUNE 21, 2019 Pickin' n Fiddlin' will be held at Wyoming Legion from 8:00 p.m. till midnight.  Door donations will go to Sarnia Pathways this month. Sponsored by the Wyoming Legion Ladies Auxiliary. All musicians and public welcomeNOTI

Wyoming Legion
493 Erie St.
N0N 1T0

Community Event - Belleville - CARP Coffee and Chat.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560276000 1560283200

Please join us for "Coffee&Chat" on Tuesday June 11 from 2-4 , at Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre- in multipurpose room on 2nd floor. Guest speaker TBA.

Light refreshments-Everyone welcome

Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre
265 Cannifton RdCARP
K8N 4V7

Community Event - Belleville - Weekly Summer Noon Concerts in Picton

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560960000 1560962700

What could be lovelier on a hot summer's day than to sit in the coolness of Picton's St Mary Magdalene Church and enjoy gifted local musicians? This year's concert series starts on June 19 with David Colwell, baritone, and Debbie Smith, soprano. Bring a bag lunch if you like, and sit back and relax! Admission is free and everyone's welcome. Noon-12:45.

St Mary Magdalene Church
335 Main Street East