Community Event - Chatham - No School PD Day Friday, June 7th
Friday, June 7th
No School PD Day
10:00am – 1:00pm
Drop by the Museum for Crafts and a New Scavenger Hunt
All Welcome, Donations Welcome
Friday, June 7th
No School PD Day
10:00am – 1:00pm
Drop by the Museum for Crafts and a New Scavenger Hunt
All Welcome, Donations Welcome
Still a few tickets available for a fun-filled day on Saturday, June 8. $25 a seat, $15 comp on arrival. Departs 8:30am, returns approximately 5:30pm. Details call 519-995-2225.
Today’s youth are changing the world. Be a part of that change.
In the new Youth Leadership Development program, participants will volunteer throughout Sarnia and Lambton County. This is an awesome opportunity for youth to meet new friends, build their network and develop great skills - all while giving back to their community!
Mike Satterfield once said “Even if you just change one life, you’ve changed the world forever.”
Find out how you can change the world – call or text 519-330-1280 today!
Participants must be between the ages of 15 and 30.
The Youth Leadership Development pilot program is offered in partnership between LEADS Employment Services and Service Canada Corps.
$6.00 Everyone is Welcome!
Also Baked Fish & Potato & Take-Out. Everyone is Welcome!
Members are Encouraged to Attend.
Honouring Our Veterans @ Victoria Lawn Cemetery West Gate. Parade @ 1:15pm and Service @ 1:30pm. *Bring Lawn Chair if Desired* Reception to Follow @ Br. 24, 15 George St. (Lower Level) St. Catharines.
Sunday June 16, 2019
2:00 — 4:00 pm
Brockville Public Library
Tickets $15 at the Library and at the Door
Join us in Brockville's 9th Annual Celebration of Bloomsday
On a summer day – June 16, 1904 – Leopold Bloom embarked on his epic Odyssey around the city of Dublin, as chronicled by James Joyce in his famous novel Ulysses. To celebrate Bloomsday and its chaotic festival of life in all its messy glory, we enjoy selected and fairly comprehensible readings from Ulysses, together with readings from early celebrants including Patrick Kavanaugh and Flann O'Brien, Irish music and song, gorgonzola sandwiches and wine...
Members are Encouraged to Attend.
Decorating our Veterans Graves with Canadian Flags @ Victoria Lawn Cemetery. All Volunteers are welcomed to honour our Veterans!