Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Strawberry Social -Christ Church, 4750 Zimmerman.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561320000 1561330800

on Friday, June 21st, 2019 from 4 - 7 pm in the Memorial Hall.  Tickets - Adults $18, Children under 12 $10, Dessert only $8. You Tickets Include: Strawberry Shortcake, Beef on a bun, Salad and Beverage.  Take out is available, Wheelchair Accessible, Air Conditioned Hall. 

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Volunteers Needed!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559914200 1559923200

The Blenheim Youth Centre is looking for youth volunteers to support the Senior’s Fair on June 7th (it’s a PA day!) from 9:30am until just after lunch. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Rachel at the Blenheim Youth Centre (in person or


#YourTVCK #TrulyLocal #Ckont #BYC #Blenheim

Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Highway 401 & County Rd 31 Closures

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559016000 1559102340

Louis W. Bray Construction Limited has been retained by the Ministry of Transportation to perform construction work on the Highway 401 / Flagg Road underpass and Highway 401 / County Road 31 underpass, under MTO contract number 2018-4023. The first stage of work will continue until November 29, 2019. The Flagg Road bridge was removed the weekend of May 10th, 2019. The next step is to remove the County Road 31 bridge. See details below:  



The following closures are currently scheduled for the County Road 31 construction site:

  • County Road 31 will be closed to all traffic, all lanes northbound and southbound, from 8:00pm on Friday June 14, 2019 until 8:00am on Saturday June 15, 2019 to remove the east half of the County Road 31 Bridge over the Westbound lanes of Highway 401. Similarly, County Road 31 will be closed to all traffic again, from 8:00pm on Saturday June 15, 2019 until 8:00am on Sunday June 16, 2019, to remove the remaining east half of the County Road 31 structure over the Eastbound lanes of Highway 401. Following the full closures detailed above, County Road 31 will be reduced to one lane northbound and one lane southbound during construction operations while the new bridge is being constructed adjacent to the existing bridge.   
  • Highway 401 Westbound will be closed to all traffic from Upper Canada Road (Interchange #758) to Carman Road (Interchange #738), including the westbound access ramp to Highway 401 at Upper Canada Road, from 8:00pm on Friday June 14, 2019 until 8:00am on Saturday June 15, 2019 to complete the demolition of the east half of the County Road 31 Bridge over the Westbound lanes of Highway 401.
  • Highway 401 Eastbound will be closed to all traffic from County Road 31 (Interchange #750) to Upper Canada Road (Interchange #758), including the eastbound access ramp to Highway 401 at County Road 31 starting at 8:00pm on Saturday June 15, 2019 until 8:00am on Sunday June 16, 2019 to complete the demolition of the remaining east half of the County Road 31 structure over the Eastbound lanes of Highway 401.

Community Event - Cornwall - Art Auction for the Arts & Culture Centre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559948400 1559959200

The Art Auction for the Arts & Culture Centre of Cornwall will take place on Friday June 7th at 7 p.m. at the BMO building 159 Pitt St. Cornwall.  A variety of paintings will be auctioned.  For further information: 613-933-8353.

BMO Building
159 Pitt St.

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Highway 401 & County Rd 31 Closures

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559016000 1559102340

Louis W. Bray Construction Limited has been retained by the Ministry of Transportation to perform construction work on the Highway 401 / Flagg Road underpass and Highway 401 / County Road 31 underpass, under MTO contract number 2018-4023. The first stage of work will continue until November 29, 2019. The Flagg Road bridge was removed the weekend of May 10th, 2019. The next step is to remove the County Road 31 bridge. See details below:  



The following closures are currently scheduled for the County Road 31 construction site:

  • County Road 31 will be closed to all traffic, all lanes northbound and southbound, from 8:00pm on Friday June 14, 2019 until 8:00am on Saturday June 15, 2019 to remove the east half of the County Road 31 Bridge over the Westbound lanes of Highway 401. Similarly, County Road 31 will be closed to all traffic again, from 8:00pm on Saturday June 15, 2019 until 8:00am on Sunday June 16, 2019, to remove the remaining east half of the County Road 31 structure over the Eastbound lanes of Highway 401. Following the full closures detailed above, County Road 31 will be reduced to one lane northbound and one lane southbound during construction operations while the new bridge is being constructed adjacent to the existing bridge.   
  • Highway 401 Westbound will be closed to all traffic from Upper Canada Road (Interchange #758) to Carman Road (Interchange #738), including the westbound access ramp to Highway 401 at Upper Canada Road, from 8:00pm on Friday June 14, 2019 until 8:00am on Saturday June 15, 2019 to complete the demolition of the east half of the County Road 31 Bridge over the Westbound lanes of Highway 401.
  • Highway 401 Eastbound will be closed to all traffic from County Road 31 (Interchange #750) to Upper Canada Road (Interchange #758), including the eastbound access ramp to Highway 401 at County Road 31 starting at 8:00pm on Saturday June 15, 2019 until 8:00am on Sunday June 16, 2019 to complete the demolition of the remaining east half of the County Road 31 structure over the Eastbound lanes of Highway 401.