Événement communautaire - Thetford Mines - Centre Régional du Deuil

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560175200 1560193200

Le Centre Régional du Deuil, situé au 390 rue Labbé, invite les personnes endeuillées à sa dernière rencontre mensuelle gratuite, avant les vacances d'été.

Pour un pique - nique, lundi  le 10 juin 2019, à l'Étang Madore, 140 chemin des Monts.

Rassemblement à 10h00 au Centre Régional du Deuil et départ à 10h30. Vous devez vous inscrire avant le 7  juin 2019, soit par téléphone, courriel ou FaceBook.

Amenez votre lunch!

Personne - ressource: Madame Véronique Jacques

Téléphone: 418-335 - 3408

Courriel: centre-regional-deuil@live.ca

Centre Régional du Deuil
390 rue Labbé
G6G 1Z3
Thetford Mines

Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - Invitation Centre-Dieu l’Ami

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561003200 1561089540

Centre-Dieu l’Ami

Situé au 2e étage de Place Centre-Ville à St-Georges.

Heures d’ouverture : Lundi au jeudi : 9h30 à 11h30 et 13h00 à 16h00  

                                      Vendredi de 9h30 à 11h00.          Messe à 11h00

Il est temps de venir chercher les volumes, DVD, DC ou autres.... que vous aimeriez emprunter pour la saison d’été.


Vous êtes les bienvenu(e)s avant la date de fermeture pour l’été soit le 21 Juin.

À noter que nous serons de retour Mardi le 3 Septembre 2019.

                                                Information: 418-228-7545

Centre Dieu l’Ami
1E, 11400 1ère avenue. 2e etage Place Centre-Ville
G5Y 5S4

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Drumming Circle Presentation

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561226400 1561231800

June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day! To celebrate, on Sat. June 22 from 2-3:30, the Belleville Public Library is welcoming Judi Montgomery and the Sisters of the Drum to give a drumming circle presentation featuring traditional songs and stories. This presentation will include traditional music, teachings, and fun facts about the land and our connection to the wind, water, earth, and air.

This free presentation requires no registration and is open to all. For more information please call 613-968-6731 x2037.

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Special Movie Screening: Clearing the Way (7 PM)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559430000 1559440800

A Special Movie Screening: Clearing the Way 
Winner of the prestigious 'Audience Choice Award' at the Forest City Film Festival
Clearing the Way (IMDb): Clearing the Way (2017) - IMDb

Directed by Paul Culliton. With Matt Austin, Richard Busbridge, Daniel Clarke, Neil Coates. Based on the book, "Clearing the Way", by Major Mark Gasparotto, Tells the collective stories of the Canadian Combat Engineers in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan during deployment from August 06 to February 07.


Saturday, June 1st, 2019

The Station Theatre, Smiths Falls (http://smithsfallstheatre.com/)
Late Showing: 7:00 PM

Tickets: $15 (cash only) at the door
(To purchase tickets online: https://lnkd.in/ggXydMG)

  • Hear the collective stories of the Canadian Combat Engineers in Afghanistan during their deployment
  • Meet the author - Colonel (retired) Mark Gasparotto AND the Clearing the Way Team
  • Support the future showing of this movie and our veterans with the purchase of your ticket

Following the movie, the Colonel (retired) Mark Gasparotto and the Clearing the Way Team will be holding a Question & Answer Session and will be available in the lobby to speak and to sign copies of the book.


Hosted By:  The Smiths Falls Legion (Branch 95) & The Smiths Falls Lions Club

All funds raised go to the future showing of this movie and support our veterans.

The Station Theatre
53 Victoria Ave,
K7A 5E6
Smiths Falls

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Special Movie Screening: Clearing the Way (2 PM)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559412000 1559422800

A Special Movie Screening: Clearing the Way 
Winner of the prestigious 'Audience Choice Award' at the Forest City Film Festival
Clearing the Way (IMDb): Clearing the Way (2017) - IMDb

Directed by Paul Culliton. With Matt Austin, Richard Busbridge, Daniel Clarke, Neil Coates. Based on the book, "Clearing the Way", by Major Mark Gasparotto, Tells the collective stories of the Canadian Combat Engineers in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan during deployment from August 06 to February 07.


Saturday, June 1st, 2019

The Station Theatre, Smiths Falls (http://smithsfallstheatre.com/)
Early Showing: 2:00 PM

Tickets: $15 (cash only) at the door
(To purchase tickets online: https://lnkd.in/ggXydMG)

  • Hear the collective stories of the Canadian Combat Engineers in Afghanistan during their deployment
  • Meet the author - Colonel (retired) Mark Gasparotto AND the Clearing the Way Team
  • Support the future showing of this movie and our veterans with the purchase of your ticket

Following the movie, the Colonel (retired) Mark Gasparotto and the Clearing the Way Team will be holding a Question & Answer Session and will be available in the lobby to speak and to sign copies of the book.


Hosted By:  The Smiths Falls Legion (Branch 95) & The Smiths Falls Lions Club

All funds raised go to the future showing of this movie and support our veterans.

The Station Theatre
53 Victoria Ave,
K7A 5E6
Smiths Falls

Community Event - North Bay - IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560092400 1560106800

Join the movement! The new Walk for Alzheimer's builds on the strength of thousands of community walks across the country, all raising funds and awareness for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. On Sunday, June 9th, hundreds of walkers will make memories matter by raising funds in support of local programs and support services in the North Bay & Districts area.

*Those who raise $25.00 will receive a Walk for Alzheimer's T-shirt*

Alzheimer Society North Bay
1164 Devonshire Avenue. North Bay ON
P1B 6X7
North Bay

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Blood Donor Centre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562180400 1562194800
1562252400 1562281200
1562328000 1562342400
1562414400 1562428800
1562857200 1562886000
1562932800 1562947200
1563217200 1563231600
1563390000 1563404400

Be part of Canada's Lifeline....every minute of every day someone in Canada requires blood or blood products....be someone's hero and donate blood today!

New Donors and Walk Ins always welcome!

For more information:  1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) / www.blood.ca / GiveBlood App



Windsor Blood Donor Centre
3909 Grand Marais Road East
N8W 1W9

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Blood Donor Centre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562007600 1562022000

Come Celebrate Canada Day with us by donating blood!  Every minute of every day someone in Canada requires blood or blood products - be someone's Hero today!

New donors and walk ins always welcome!

For more information or to book an appointment:  1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or www.blood.ca or GiveBlood App

Windsor Blood Donor Centre
3909 Grand Marais Road East
N8W 1W9