Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Cours de natation

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559163600 1559178000

Les inscriptions pour les activités aquatiques de la session intensive d'été débuteront ce mercredi 29 mai dès 17 h.

Vous pouvez faire votre inscription en ligne au www.ville.st-hyacinthe.qc.ca ou en personne au Centre aquatique Desjardins. Vous devez avoir en main la carte d'Accès-Loisirs valide de chaque personne à inscrire.

Il est possible de s'inscrire jusqu’à ce que le nombre maximum de participants soit atteint.

Horaire et descriptif des cours au: piscinecam.ca

Centre aquatique Desjardins
850, rue Turcot
J2S 1M2
Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec

Community Event - Niagara - The Associates Outdoor Concert ! 6 - 9

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1546318800 1546405140

Celebrate Community with The Associates outdoor concert in Jordan !

Village of Hope Grand Opening 50% off  Entire Thrift Store from 10 to 5,

then Gates open for Concert 7 to 9 !

tickets $15

Food, drinks, door prizes and raffles !

Chance to Win Blue Jay Tickets


2831 King St Jordan Village of Hope
2831 King St. Jordan

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Retouvailles 2019 Ecole primaire Ste Croix

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567270800 1567310340

Reunion of past students, teachers, janitors and anyone who has been a part of the school's history.  Spouses and guest are welcomed.  This event will be held on August 31st at the Civic Complex.  The celebration starts at 1:00 pm and will provide an opportunity to meet old friends while having a drink and a few snacks, seeing souvenirs from the past, meeting some teachers and sharing stories and memories of our youth.   Cost of $15.00 per ticket available at Ticket pro at the Civic Complex.  

Community Event - Niagara - Niagara Post Polio Luncheon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561003200 1561089540

Thurs. June 20th, 12:30 pm. Georges Greek Village, 535 Queenston St., St. Catharines. On.

Niagara Post Polio Support Luncheon
535 Queenston St
St. Catharines, Ontario

Événement communautaire - Laurentides - Concert bénéfice

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560556800 1560564000

Venez en grand nombre assister au concert qui aura lieu à l’église de Saint-Sauveur le vendredi 14 juin prochain à 20 h, au profit de Palliacco. Ce concert intitulé Concert Passion vous fera vivre de belles émotions. 

Monsieur Christophe Perret, compositeur, flûtiste et pianiste, a décidé d’offrir un concert au profit de Palliacco. Ayant bénéficié des services gratuits de Palliacco qui l’a accompagné dans son deuil, Christophe Perret a décidé de remettre à Palliacco ce qu’il a reçu en offrant ce concert.

Les billets, au coût de 20 $ chacun, sont en vente sur le site Internet et la page Facebook de Palliacco. Des billets seront en vente à la porte le soir même du concert.

Église de Saint-Sauveur
205, rue Principale
J0R 1R0

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Chatham Horticultural Society- June 13, 7 pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560466800 1560472200

"Greening Your Grounds Naturalizing Project". We will be meeting at the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, 100 Thames Street, Chatham ON at 7 pm where Mark Peacock will provide a garden tour and information session that emphasizes conservation and use of on-site features to protect water quality and storm-water landscaping projects. All are welcome! 

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Town of Essex Proclaims AccessAbility Week

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1558929600 1559015940
1561089600 1561175940

At their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 21, Town of Essex Council officially declared the week of May 26 to June 1 as AccessAbility Week in the municipality.

The proclamation is part of a national effort to recognize the importance of accessibility and inclusion in communities and workplaces, as well as a time to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities.

“This proclamation serves as a reminder that we need to continue to work to address the stigma and social isolation of people with disabilities,” said Mayor Larry Snively. “As a municipality, we play an important role in ensuring that all citizens feel included in the community they call home.”

The Town’s AccessAbility Week efforts will include a social media campaign to inform the community, as well as a citizen survey seeking feedback on potential barriers that people with disabilities face in the municipality. Responses from the survey will be provided to the Town’s Accessibility Advisory Committee for consideration and potential future action.

“As a committee, we serve as a voice for those individuals who often face additional barriers towards participating fully in community life,” said Richard Kokovai, committee chair. “We ask all residents, particularly those with disabilities, to fill out the survey and let us know how we can make our community more accessible and inclusive.”

The survey is available online at www.essex.ca/accessibilitysurvey  or in paper at the Town’s recreation facilities (Essex Centre Sports Complex, Essex Recreation Complex, and the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre) as well as at the municipal office in Essex Centre.

Submissions will be accepted until Friday, June 21 at 4:00pm.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Fore Rotary - Leamington Rotary Par 3 Golf Tourney

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1563595200 1563681540

Saturday, July 20 at Oxley Beach Golf Course, 597 County Road 50 E, Oxley. One golf club per person! 18 hole scramble with a foursome and we supply the putters. Dinner is fine dining at Kingsville Golf & Country Club. Raffles and prizes. To register, contact Laura at 519-300-1234.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Free Programs for Recreation & Parks Month - Swim

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1559016000 1559102340
1561694400 1561780740

The Town of Essex is celebrating Recreation and Parks Month (JRPM) with a number of free programs as part of the “JRPM presents Take a Dip…Drop in and Play” promotion.

Throughout the province, Recreation and Parks Month encourages residents to get active in outdoor spaces and programs. The Town of Essex features a wide range of multi-use trails, parks, playgrounds, and recreation facilities, giving residents ample options to choose from.

Free events begin with the JRPM Kick-Off on Saturday June 1 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Essex Recreation Complex (242 Talbot Street North, Essex Centre). All are welcome to take part in this family-friendly event featuring bouncy castles, Nerf Ninja battles, healthy snacks, and more.

“We have been a proud supporter of Recreation and Parks Month since 2007 as a way to encourage residents and families to experience the wide variety of recreational opportunities available,” said Doug Sweet, Director of Community Services. “We’re especially excited to offer such a large number of free programs this year to give everyone a chance to see what we offer and hopefully try something new.”

Funding for free programs is provided through a ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge grant. The Town is participating in the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge from May 31 to June 16, which recognizes Canada’s Most Active Community. ParticipACTION will award $150,000 to the community which rallies the most participants and accumulates the most active minutes during the challenge.

To participate, residents can download the ParticipACTION mobile app and get active throughout the month. Community members can also be entered into a draw to win free prizes by liking, commenting, or sharing the Community Better Challenge post on the Town’s Facebook page.

Free programs include:

  • JRPM Kick-Off, Saturday, June 1, 1:00pm-4:00pm, Essex Recreation Complex (242 Talbot Street North, Essex Centre)
  • Family Swim, Wednesday, June 5, 7:00pm-8:00pm, Essex Recreation Complex
  • Colchester Community Bike Ride, Sunday, June 9, 3:00pm, Colchester Harbour (100 Jackson Street, Colchester Centre)
  • Yoga on Tuesday, June 11, 6:00pm-7:00pm, McGregor Community Centre (9571 Walker Road, McGregor Centre)
  • Cardio Aquafit, Friday June 14, 9:15am-9:45am, Essex Recreation Complex
  • Pickleball on Tuesday, June 18, 9:30am-11:30am, Essex Community Centre (25 Gosfield Townline West, Essex Centre)
  • Spin H2O on Wednesday, June 19, 6:15pm-7:15pm, Essex Recreation Complex
  • Yoga Fit on Thursday, June 20 6:15pm-7:15pm, Colchester Community Centre (100 Jackson Street, Colchester Centre)
  • Spin H2O, Sunday, June 23 8:00am-8:45am, Essex Recreation Complex
  • Harrow Community Bike Ride, Sunday, June 23, 3:00pm, Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre (243 McAffee Street, Harrow Centre)
  • Spin H2O on Wednesday, June 26, 6:15pm-7:00pm, Essex Recreation Complex
  • Family Swim, Monday, June 24 10:00am-11:30am, Essex Recreation Complex
  • Lengths Swim, Friday, June 28 6:30am-8:00am, Essex Recreation Complex


For more information and to pre-register online visit www.essexconnect.ca or call 519-776-8992.