Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - It's the Big Give! Rain or Shine!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559390400 1559412000

It's the Big Give!  We're giving it all away for free!  Everything from small household items, clothes, hot dogs, a car wash, face painting, hair cuts, breakfast and more!  Six local churches in Brockville just want to bless you with no strings attached.  That's what the Big Give is all about.  Come Saturday, June 1st and enjoy something for the entire family!

Visit for locations, times and activities.

Rain or shine.

Bethel Christian Reformed & Lyn United, First Baptist, First Presbyterian, St Paul's,  Highway Pentecostal


Multiple Church Locations
800 Stewart Blvd
K6V 7H2

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - OA Outremangeurs anonymes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559516400 1559521800

Etes-vous dominé par la nourriture? Mangez-vous quand vous n'avez pas faim? Votre poids affecte-t-il votre façon de vivre votre vie?

OA est un groupe d'entraide, pas de régime ni droit d'entrée. Rencontre les lundis à 19h aux Loisirs Christ-Roi, 390, avenue Vaudreuil, St-Hyacinthe, J2S 4G7. 

Pour plus d'information: 1-877-509-1939.

Loisirs Christ-Roi
390, avenue Vaudreuil
J2S 4G7

Community Event - Niagara - Herb Garden Workshop June 12th @ 1 pm Only $12.00

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560358800 1560367800

Women Empowered Women's Institute are pleased to invite you to attend our workshop, planting a herb garden in a bowl with Sunshine Express Garden Centre on June 12th for only $12.00!   Seating is limited to 20 participants, so please register early.  RSVP by June 6, 2019. To 905-324-2858 or

Grantham Lions Club
732 Niagara Street
L2M 7W7
St. Catharines

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - La clé de l'amitié

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560052800 1560139140

Déjeuner pour personnes seules de 50 ans et plus dimanche 9 juin au Mondo resto-bar au 120, rue des Forges TR.

Souper Ô Quai des brasseurs, 805 des Nénuphars secteur Ste-Angèle. Covoiturage: entrée Tim Horton Jean XXIII à 17 h. Confirmer votre présence avant 21 h, le 9 juin au 819 609-4657.

Restaurant le Mondo resto-bar
120, rue des Forges

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Project Reach Out Ghana Fundraising Yard Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559995200 1560009600

21st Annual Project Reach Out Ghana Fundraising Yard Sale will be held at 508 Laurier Blvd. Brockville, on Saturday June 8th from 8 am - noon. Your support is appreciated for our humanitarian projects in Ghana, West Africa (schools, scholarships, small business loans, medical clinics). Bring a friend and find some treasures!  

508 Laurier Blvd.
508 Laurier Blvd,
K6V 6C5

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - 25 ans pour Les Gospangels

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559433600 1559440800

Venez célébrer les 25 ans des Gospangels samedi le 1er juin à 20h à la salle Le Royal de Drummondville.

Un spectacle festif qui réunit les trois ensembles de la famille dans une rétrospective musicale.

Billets en vente au 819 474-2061. 25 $ en prévente, 30 $ à la porte, 15 $ étudiant (preuve à l'appui)


Salle Le Royal
284 st-Marcel
J2B 5W4

Community Event - Sarnia - St. Joseph's Hospice Caregiver Drop In

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559581200 1559586600
1560790800 1560796200

St. Joseph’s Hospice offers a caregiver drop in group on the first and third Monday of every month. The group is for those caring for a loved one and is a safe place to share your thoughts, stories, and feelings and learn about caregiving strategies. An assessment is required prior to attendance. For more information contact Lisa Adams at 519-337-0537 ext. 126 or All services are offered free to the Sarnia Lambton Community.


St. Joseph's Hospice Resource Centre
475 Christina St. N.
N7T 5W3

Public Notices/Announcements - Kingston - Friends of the Cat Trail Inaugural Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560607200 1560614400

The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) is pleased to announce the creation of a new community-driven organization for users and supporters of the Cataraqui Trail seeking a way to enhance their enjoyment and take a more active role in the activities related to this very popular outdoor recreation property.

The Friends of the Cataraqui Trail (FCT) was created to help advocate for the ongoing sustainability, stewardship, public use and promotion of the Cataraqui Trail. The Friends group will also assist the trail’s owners, CRCA, by serving as a volunteer workforce for light maintenance, as well as to monitor and report trail hazards, damage and maintenance issues.

The inaugural meeting for the Friends of the Cataraqui Trail will take place on Saturday, June 15, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Sydenham Branch of the Kingston-Frontenac Public Library, 4412 Wheatley St. in Sydenham. Members of the public are welcome to attend and are encouraged to join the FCT. Anyone who pays membership dues is considered to be a member, and there will be no limit on the number of members. The first-ever Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the organization will also take place, which will involve the election of offices and other administrative business.