Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - RentSmart Basics Training

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560373200 1560384000

Most people rent at some point in their lives.  Being a good tenant requires knowledge, skills and confidence in knowing your rights.  RentSmart Basics provides you with a quick overview on the three things that you need to know to find and keep your housing.

The Fleming Building
1005 Elgin St. W
K9A 5J4

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - We Are One - Launch Party

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558819800 1558839600

Join We Are One - Launch Party at Club Lentinas in support of the pilot program for Nutritional Lunches in Schools.

May 25th, Doors open 5:30pm and Dinner is served at 6pm.

Face 4 Radio will provide the live entertainment.

Call for Tickets:

Cathy Staal 226-627-4943 or Club Lentinas 519-355-0806

Community Event - Kingston - Lady Franklin and the Lost Franklin Expedition

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560016800 1560022200

Local author Erika Behrisch Elce speaks on writing about Lady Franklin, whose husband Sir John Franklin led an ill-fated 1845 expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. 

When Sir John Franklin and his 1845 expedition to search for the Northwest Passage failed to return from the Arctic, his wife Jane embarked upon a campaign to rescue them.  She spent her fortune offering rewards and mounting rescue expeditions, and she kept alive the public’s interest in the lost men.  But above all she wrote a battalion of letters:  to the Admiralty, to politicians, to the press, and to the prominent in Britain and America.
Erika Behrisch Elce’s fascination with the Franklins led her to publish first an annotated selection of Lady Franklin’s public letters in As affecting the fate of my absent husband.  She then wrote a novel, Lady Franklin of Russell Square, which imagines Lady Franklin’s private world in London during the decade of search for her husband.  In the first June installment of the KFPL Live monthly speakers’ series we are excited to host Erika as she explores the writer’s dance between history and fiction, the power of storytelling to move mountains, and the private tragedies that unfold beneath public adventures. 

This presentation will take place at the Isabel Turner branch on Saturday, June 8, at 2 p.m. and is open to adults and teens. There is no admission charge, but seating is limited.  To avoid disappointment, please register in advance at or by phone at (613) 549-8888 as of 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 25.

Questions?  Contact Anne Hall at 613-549-8888, ext. 3528 or .

Isabel Turner Branch of Kingston Frontenac Public Library
935 Gardiners Road
K7M 9A9

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Cornwall General Hospital Nurses Alumnae Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561154400 1561172400

Will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion, 415 Second St West

on June 21st, Cocktails @ 1800hrs And Dinner @ 1900 hrs.

Celebrating the Class of 1969, the last class to graduate from CGH.

$30.00 per person

contact: Catherine Poirier, 613-932-9164 to reserve.


Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Lave-auto pour le Parrainage

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559394000 1559419200

Lave-auto au profit du Parrainage civique les 1er et 2 juin. 9h à 16h. Seulement 15$ pour un lavage intérieur et extérieur. Hot-dog sur place grâce à La Belle Province. Rendez-vous chez Lebeau Vitres d'autos, partenaire de l'événement au 3400 avenue Cusson, St-Hyacinthe. Remis au 8 et 9 juin en cas de pluie.

Lebeau Vitres d'autos
3400 av. Cusson