Community Event - Hawkesbury (English) - Music & Dancing - Kalin & Brady
Sunday, May 26th from 1 - 6pm. Admission: $3
Hawkesbury Royal Canadian Legion.
152 Nelson Street East.
Community Event - Hawkesbury (English) - Music & Dancing - Dan Dupuis
Friday, May 24th from 7 - 11pm. Admission: $3
Hawkesbury Royal Canadian Legion
152 Nelson Street East.
Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - NHH Crafters' Almost Summer Sale!
At the Northumberland Hills Hospital Crafters' sale you'll be able to find an extensive selection of hand made items, not only for you and your family but also your furry friends! The sale will also include one of a kind illuminated folk-art pieces that would be perfect for the garden, cottage or a unique Father's Day gift! Buy local - all crafts are proudly made in Northumberland County! The sale will be in the Northumberland Hills Hospital on the first floor near the Bistro. All proceeds support the hospital.
Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Swimming Pool Maintenance Standards
The City of Windsor is reminding property owners that Swimming Pool By-Law #160-2010 requires swimming pools to be in full operation no later than May 24th and remain in operation until September 1st to reduce mosquito breeding areas and the spread of West Nile virus. Additionally, property owners must ensure proper winter pool covers are installed after September 1st for pools no longer in use. Pool covers are to be free from accumulation, stagnant water, and treated with appropriate pool chemicals to mitigate mosquito breeding in the fall.
Pool owners are encouraged to review their pool enclosures/fences to ensure public safety and By-Law compliance. Anyone having concerns with safety of swimming pools should call 311.
Violation of the bylaw could result in an Order to Comply directing compliance with the By-Law along with an administrative inspection fee of $260.00 +HST.
Information on the Swimming Pool By-law can be found on the By-Laws On-line (Building By-Laws Link) page of the City’s website or by calling 311.
Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - 6th Annual Peterborough Senior Spelling Bee
6th Annual Peterborough Senior Spelling Bee
"Bee" here Thursday, June 13th 2019 9:30AM-12PM
Royal Gardens Retirement Residence
1160 Clonsilla Avenue
Peterborough, ON K9J 8P8
Light lunch and refreshments to follow
For all the "buzz" or to participate, call Ashley at 705-741-6036
Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Big Give
2 Sites:
160 Wayside & 144 Gore
Everything FREE - Food, fun, games, wagon rides, giveaways, prizes!
Community Event - Kingston - Big Give, Jun 1, 10am-2pm in Perth
Everything FREE - Food, fun, games, wagon rides, giveaways and prizes!
Glad Tidings Church - 160 Wayside Dr.
Asbury Church - 144 Gore St.
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Monthly Grief Support Group Meeting
For those coping with the death of a loved one
This month''s topic - Five Ways We Grieve