Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - BEYOND THE GLASSES

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559419200 1559444400

From the Blind for the Blind is a project by Canadian Council of the blind, Peterborough Chapter.  The goal of this project is to build a collection of tools that will aid the blind and visually impaired, live with more ease.  We accept donations of unused or gently used items and then pass them on to others who will benefit from them. THIS IS A COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE.

CONTACT INFO: Click the Community Networking and scroll down.

Debby Haryett

705 874 6905

Community Event - Kingston - Concert for St. Mary's Cathedral organ restoration

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558895400 1558902600

St. Mary's Cathedral, Kingston, will host "Something Old, Something New", a concert to benefit the extensive restoration of the 114-year-old Cathedral Organ on Sunday, May 26, at 2:30pm.

Music for solo voice, organ, piano, clarinet, and choir will be performed by Jeffrey Moellman, Director of Music, joined by cantors of the Cathedral, Sammy Johnston (clarinet), and members of the Moellman Family on violin. As well, the new 20-voice Cathedral Youth Singers will make their formal concert debut, accompanied by well-known Kingston pianist Clare Miller. Works by J. S. Bach, Bartok, Handel, Kreisler, Mozart, Schubert, Vierne, and more!

Refreshments will follow this varied and exciting performance.

Admission: free-will offering, with tax receipts available for donations of $25 or more.

Situated in the the cathedral's grand acoustics and architecture, the Cathedral Organ has been the "voice of the St. Mary's Cathedral" since its construction and installation in 1905 by the Karn-Warren Organ Company of Woodstock, Ontario. It is a centrepiece of the musical heritage of Kingston and the surrounding region, and its restoration is of importance to the wider community.

Visit or contact / 613.546.5521 x7 for information.

Information about the organ can be found at the following websites:

St. Mary's Cathedral
279 Johnson Street
K7L 1Y5

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Free Movie Night

Submitted by ssavage on
1559169000 1559176200

Come out on May 29th at 6:30pm to 175 First Ave, Brockville.  The movie being played is called "Courageous" and you don't want to miss it!  All are welcome!  Call Faye at 613-345-2901 if you have any questions.

Salvation Army Community Church
175 First Ave

Community Event - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Bike-A-Thon Plus

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558783800 1558803600

Fundraiser for the Children's Treatment Centre at St. Lawrence College.  Participate in one of the many activities, there is something for everyone.  Children's Activities include games, Magic Show and free pony rides.  Free pancakes, hamburgers and hot dogs for all participants.  Everyone welcome on May 25th from 7:30am - 1pm!!

St. Lawrence College
2 St. Lawrence Drive
K6H 4Z1

Community Event - Belleville - Trenton Lions Week Fundraiser for TMHF

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559570400 1559599200
1559829600 1559858400
1559916000 1559944800
1559916000 1559952000

June 2nd – June 8th Trenton Lions Club Week.  In commemoration of 80 years of service the Trenton Lions Club will be raising funds at various locations around town to purchase IV Pumps for TMH. Locations in Trenton include: Smilies, Metro, Freshco and Walmart. We have a donor that will match every dollar raised to a maximum of $50,000.00

various Trenton Stores
K8V 1E4

Community Event - Kingston - The Forgotten Ferals HUGE Fundraising Yard Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558179000 1558207800

Join us on May 18th for The Forgotten Feral Cat Rescue (TFF) 3rd Annual yard sale!! It will be HUGE!! Volunteers have spent months sorting, cleaning and pricing items. We will also happily be accepting donations of cat food & funds at the event.

When: Saturday, May 18th, 2019 from 7:30am to 3:30 pm

Where: 564 Magnolia Drive (Greenwood Park subdivision)

The Forgotten Ferals is a 100% volunteer run/foster-based local cat rescue that provides various services to Kingston and the surrounding communities. It is our goal to try to reduce the cat overpopulation by helping to spay and neuter as many “Community Cats” (feral, stray, free-roaming) as we can.

In 2018, The Forgotten Ferals took 275 cats & kittens into their adoption program, finding homes for 227, and also helped provide TNVR (Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return) for an additional 48 cats.  We rely solely on adoption fees, fundraising and donations.

We hope to see you there!

The Forgotten Ferals HUGE Fundraising Yard Sale
564 Magnolia Drive
K7K 7H6