Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Marty Kolls: In Concert - Saturday, June 8 at 7pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560034800 1560042000

Marty Kolls, a Canadian singer-songwriter who now resides in London, Ontario brings her East Coast, classical music and life experiences to her performances. She mesmerizes her audience with her voice, melody and presence that speaks of living life from the heart. Free will offering (suggested $10/adult donation).

Doors open at 6:30 pm at St. Andrew's United Church, 85 William Street South, Chatham ON.  All are welcome! 

For additional information check or call 519-352-0010. 

Community Event - Sarnia - Free Cooking Class - Summer Salads

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562175000 1562182200
1562247000 1562250600

Stuck in the garden blues? Rapids Family Health Team offers a free cooking class that is all about making delicious and nutrient-packed salads to add flavour to your diet using local seasonal ingredients. Two classes available Wednesday July 3 and  Thursday June 4. To register call 519-339-8949.

Rapids Family Health Team
1150 Pontiac Dr.
N7S 3A7

Community Event - Niagara - Tug Of War for Project Share

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562709600 1562715000

This will be the fifth annual Tug of War hosted by Kettlebells Niagara.  Teams of 10 men or 10 women of 5 of each are registered for $100/team or $10 per person with all registration fees and proceeds going to Project Share.  Last year's Tug of War took in $873.00 cash and 2,138 lbs of food.  We want to be even better this year!!

Past teams were presented by NRP, NFF, N.F. Hydro, E.S. Fox, Win Health, Good Life Fitness, Newport Landscaping and KettleBells Niagara.  Enter your team - no experience necessary. 

If you're unable to participate, drop off a non perishable food item at Kettlebells Niagara, or come to Oakes Park with a food donation and cheer us on.

Oakes Park
5700 Morrison Street
L2E 2E9
Niagara Falls