Community Event - Belleville - St. Martins’ German Boy’s Choir Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560207600 1560213000
1560294000 1560299400

St. Martins is a boys and men's choir from Biberach in Southern Germany

will perform Monday June 10 and Tuesday June 11 at 7PM

Monday’s concert will be focused on sacred music,

Tuesday’s concert will be focused on secular music.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
516 Victoria Avenue
K8N 5G1

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Association Fibromyalgie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559669400 1559674800

Café-rencontre, mardi le 4 juin à 13 h 30.

Gratuit pour les membres.

Endroit : 531, Avenue Dalcourt à Louiseville (dans les bureaux du SANA).

Inscription : 819 371-1458.

Dans les bureaux du SANA
531, Avenue Dalcourt (dans les bureaux du SANA)

Community Event - Kingston - Maple Ridge Women's Institute Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560445200 1560452400

Maple Ridge Women's Institute will meet on Thursday, June 13, 2019, at 1 pm. at The Royal Canadian Legion (26 Mill St. E, Napanee)

The Program will discuss the "Impact of Being Fit"  For information, call 613 354-9898

The Royal Canadian Legion
26 Mill St. E

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Automotive Flea Market & Car Show

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1557720000 1557806340
1560052800 1560139140

Sunday, June 9, 8am-2pm at the Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village, 6155 Arner Townline, Kingsville. This family-friendly event runs rain or shine! Admission for the public is $5 and under 12 are free. Hot food and cold drink refreshments will be available in our Boarding House. Along with this Breakfast and lunch will be served in our 50’s Diner from 8am until 2pm. Show cars are $10 for registration and can enter at 7am. Prizes will be awarded for our top 5 show cars at 2pm. Along with this door prizes for our show car owners will be drawn for as well. All automotive vendors are free and can set up their station at 7am.

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - FADOQ La Présentation

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558890000 1558902600

Danse le 4e dimanche, 26 mai 2019 à la Salle Chez Jacques, 619 Principale, Rte 137, La Présentation.

Musique de M. Jean-Roch Latour suivie d'un buffet froid.  Dernière danse de la saison. Bienvenue à tous!

Salle Chez Jacques
619 Principale, Rte 137,
J0H 1B0
La Présentation

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Club C Event Centre At Club Castropignano

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558130400 1558144800


At Club Castropignano

  • Join the fun at Club C!
  • Singles welcome !
  • Friday May 17, 2019
  • $10.00
  • 6:00m. – 10:00 p.m.
  • Live DJ
  • Snacks
  • Special Prize Draws
  • Cash Bar
  • Dress Code in Effect
  • No Jeans or Sandals

CLUB C EVENT CENTRE at Club Castropignano

1311 Egerter Road, Port, Robinson, On LOS 1K0


Located off Port Robinson Road

  • Only 3 minutes from the 406 Merritt Road Exit
  • 5 minutes from Seaway Mall
  • 9 minutes from Pen Center

Community Event - Kingston - Choral leader workshops with Brian Tate June 6-7

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559826000 1559836800
1559916000 1559923200
1559926800 1559934000

Celebrated conductor-composer-educator Brian Tate invites everyone to sign up for any or all of his four public workshops in the run-up to the Raise the Roof concert at the Isabel Bader on June 8. Whether amateur, professional, teacher, student or simply a lover of choral music, workshop participants will improve their performance, their appreciation of choral concerts, and will experience choir master classes. The workshops are also a perfect opportunity to take home some of Mr. Tate’s award-winning scores.

His programs include the use of musical improvisation to enhance leadership and teams, and using the voice as a tool for personal development. Brian brings spontaneity, humour, and originality into all of his presentations.

Tickets: (PayPal)

Cooke's-Portsmouth United Church

  • Composing and Arranging: Thursday, June 6, 9-noon $10
  • Management and leadership: Friday, June 7, 10-noon, $10
  • Conducting Techniques/ Teaching from the podium: Friday, June 7 1-3pm, $10

Isabel Bader Centre

  • Sing with Brian Tate: Sat June 8, 1:30-3:30 $15. You get three Tate scores and to rehearse with him onstage $15

<img src="" alt="Poster of Brian Tate choral workshops">

Cooke's-Portsmouth United Church
200 Norman Rogers Dr,
K7M 2R4

Community Event - Kingston - Raise the Roof! June 8, 7:30pm. The Isabel hosts

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559993400 1560000600

Celebrated Canadian conductor-composer-educator Brian Tate, in his first Kingston appearance, brings his triple threat artistry to The Isabel in Kingston, Saturday 8 June, 7:30pm, for one show only. However, because Kingston is so well-known as a “choir city,” Mr. Tate will also lead four public workshops and vocal clinics in the days leading up to the show.

The concert itself is so big it is called, “Raise the Roof !” Three choirs will perform together onstage, 170 voices in all, including Open Voices Community Choir (Andy Rush, Director), “She Sings!” (Martha Hill Duncan, Director), and The Kingston Youth Choir (Emily McPherson, Director). The compositions feature up to eight parts, with looping and counterpoint, big sound, and delicate weavings. Brian Tate’s concert is sponsored by The Ballytobin Foundation, supporting arts and culture in Kingston. Tickets and information: $22 from The Isabel Box Office, 390 King St. West, Kingston, M-F 12:30-4:30 pm, 613-533-2424 and online i

He's also offering choral workshops that week!

Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
390 King Street West
K7L 3N6

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - The Windsor Poetry Slam featuring Deonte Osayande

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559043000 1559095200

Join us at Phog Lounge, Tuesday, May 28th as we welcome back Deonte Osayande to our stage!

Deonte Osayande is a writer from Detroit, Michigan. His nonfiction and poetry have been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology, and the Pushcart Prize. He has represented Detroit at four National Poetry Slam competitions. He's currently a professor of English at Wayne County Community College.
His books include Class (Urban Farmhouse Press, 2017), Circus (Brick Mantle Books, 2018) and Civilian (Urban Farmhouse Press, 2019). He also managed the Rustbelt Midwest Regional Poetry Slam and Festival for 2014 and 2018.

Doors will be open at 7:30 pm, show starts at 8 pm.

If you want to slam please be there by 7:45 pm at the latest to sign up. 

As always, two rounds of three-minute poems, along with an open mic portion and a couple sacrifices!

Phog Lounge
157 University Ave W
N9A 5P4