Événement communautaire - Montmagny - Vente de petits arbres

Submitted by mepicard on
1558787400 1558800000

1000 petits arbres au coût de 5$. Espèces disponibles:

Amélanchier du Canada

Bouleau jaune

Épinette blanche

Érable rouge

Thuya occidental

Encouragez-nous en grand nombre!

Distribution au Marché public de Montmagny le 25 mai de 8h30 à midi et les 25-26 mai aux Serres du Canton de 13h à 16h. Des membres du comité seront présents ainsi que des élèves de l’école. 

Marché public de Montmagny et au Serres du Canton

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Senior's Dinner @ Branch 12, 2090 Brant Street

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557568800 1557633600

Come on out and join us for our Senior's Dinner on June 5.

We will be having Chicken pot pie & gravy with salad, roll, tea and coffee for the low price of $6.

Where can you go for a meal for that price? All are welcome so come and give us a try.

Also the Ladies Aux with have a bake sale from 4-6pm. 

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Toonie Tuesday with Jim @ Branch 12

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557568800 1557633600

Come on out and join us each Tuesday from 4-7pm for our Toonie Tuesday.

Where can you go for a bite to eat for such a price that's right. Branch 12 has burgers, hotdogs and fries 

for the low price of $2. All are welcome so come on out and give us a try at 2090 Brant Street. 

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Free Nordic Pole Walking in Lindsay

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559912400 1559916000
1560517200 1560520800
1561122000 1561125600
1561726800 1561730400

June 7, 14, 21, 28 (Fridays)  – Free pole walking in Lindsay offered by Community Care, 9AM at Nayoro Park, 45 Durham St. E., Lindsay.   For all ages, led by certified instructors. Equipment provided if needed.  Call 705-324-7323 Ext 186 for info.

Nayoro Park, Lindsay
45 Durham St. E.
K9V 5R5

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Nordic Pole walking in Bobcaygeon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559568600 1559572200

June 3, 10, 17, 24 (Mondays)  – Free Nordic Pole Walking in Bobcaygeon, presented by Community Care, 9:30AM at the Wilderness Trail.  For all ages, led by certified instructors. Equipment provided if needed.  Call 705-324-7323 Ext 186 for info.

Wilderness Trail
Wilderness Park Road
K0M 1A0