Événement communautaire - Mauricie - La clé de l'amitié

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558877400 1558882800
1559413800 1559433600

Déjeuner pour personne seule de 50 ans et plus, dimanche le 26 mai à 9 h 30 au Resto Bar Le Mondo, 120 rue des Forges à Trois-Rivières.

Rencontre sociale samedi le 1er juin à 14 h 30 au Parc Antoine-Gauthier, secteur Pointe-du-Lac, apportez chaise et jeu.

Souper au Grec à 17 h. Covoiturage. Confirmez votre présence au 819 375-0108 avant le 26 mai à 21 h.

Restaurant le Mondo
120, rue des Forges

Community Event - Kingston - National Fiddling Day is Saturday May 18

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558202400 1558209600

An event in Kingston  to celebrate National Fiddling Day will be held at St Luke's Anglican Church, 236 Nelson Street on Saturday May 18th, 2019 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  Event is open to those who wish to hear old time fiddle music and also to those who would like to participate and play.  There will be an intermission with cake and coffee/tea.  Free will offering.  For further information, please email  reelman@live.ca

St. Luke's Anglican Church,
236 Nelson Street
K7M 2X1

Community Event - North Bay - Wings & Ribs Dinner and Jam Session, May 24

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558733400 1558753200

Come enjoy a Wings and Ribs Dinner followed by a jam session.  Cost is $15 and includes wings,  ribs, fries and coleslaw.  Bring your musical instruments and jam with some great local musicians.

Corbeil Four Seasons club
1482 Corbeil Rd
Corbeil, ON

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Yoga & Wellness Workshops May 11th 9AM Start

Submitted by swright on
1557288000 1557374340

Join Dr Katie Weststrate, RYT, ND for a morning dedicated to wellness and relaxation.  Saturday May 11. 
Proceeds in support of Merrickville School.  Starts at 9AM, 306 Read St. Merrickville.

Email conseilecolesmb@ecolecatholique.ca to register - Don't forget your Yoga mat!

Merrickville School
306 Read St.
Merrickville On

Community Event - North Bay - Sunday Brunch, May 26

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558875600 1558884600

Enjoy a leisurely Sunday brunch.  The cost is only $10.  

Corbeil Four Seasons club
1482 Corbeil Rd
Corbeil, ON