Community Event - Sarnia - Voice Dance : A Concert of Choral Music to Inspire

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560036600 1560042000
1560105000 1560110400

Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9, 2019 Concert to benefit Pathways.

Bluewater Chamber Choir and Wavesong Vocal Ensemble are presenting their concert Voice Dance : A Concert of Choral Music to Inspire Unity.  Special Guest Artists are Tony Wing and Stephen Collins.  Saturday June 8 at 7:30pm and Sunday June 9 at 2:30pm at Grace United Church, 990 Cathcart Blvd. Sarnia.  Admission is by freewill offering with proceeds to benefit Pathways Health Centre for Children.

For further information please contact

Grace United Church in Sarnia
990 Cathcart Blvd (near Indian Rd)
N7S 2H2

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Ressourcement

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558393200 1558398600

Ressourcement spirituel à la mémoire de Gérard Marier, prêtre.

Endroit: Aux Jardins de la Cité, 275, rue Cockburn, Drummondville

Date: le 20 mai 2019, à 19h.

Bienvenue à tous!

Jardins de la Cité
275, rue Cockburn
J2C 4L5

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - ARTattack: Figure Drawing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558807200 1558814400

ARTattack: Figure Drawing
Try figure drawing! The human figure is one of the most enduring themes in visual art, whether a portrait, an illustration, or sculpture. It can be highly detailed, anatomical, or a loose and expressive sketch. Working from a clothed model learn to observe, capture gesture, and proportions. Enjoy the challenge!
Date: Saturday, May 25
Time: 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Location: ARTspace
Age: 18+
Fee: $35+HST
Code: 221738

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Creative Kids: Chalkboard Fruit Garden

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557583200 1557586800

Join the Discovery Den in Ridge House Museum (53 Erie St S, Ridgetown) for fun and creative workshops! Thanks to sponsorship now available at no cost! Register today to save your spot for these fun events as space is limited.

Register for programs by calling 519.360.1998, on-line at or in-person at The Cultural Centre​ or Municipal Centre.

Creative Kids: Chalkboard Fruit Garden
Sat. May 11 | 10AM-11AM | Ages 6-12 | 221090 | 

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries- what will you grow? Plant some fruit and then have fun decorating your planter!

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Vente de garage annuelle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557572400 1557604800

Samedi 11 mai de 7h à 16h aura lieu la vente de garage annuelle du Centre communautaire de loisirs Claude-Nault

70 tables de louer, plus de 60 familles vous attendent au 4677 rue Traversy (coin route 139) secteur St-Nicéphore

Venez nous voir! On vous attend !

Centre communautaire de loisirs Claude-Nault
4677 rue Traversy
J2A 2G2

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - YConneCKt "Do You Remember the '90s" Trivia Night

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557356400 1557363600

YConneCKt "Do You Remember the '90s" Trivia Night, May 8th, 7pm at Frendz Restaurant & Lounge

Are you 19—39 years of age and would like to join in a totally fly evening of trivia? Come, meet and have fun with "Yconneckt - Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce ” a group of young business representatives and individuals looking to enhance their professional and personal connections through relaxed networking and mentorship events.

Register at 519-352-7540 ex 21


Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - CTC's Annual Arts Recital

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557439200 1557446400

Join the Children's Treatment Centre and Foundation of Chatham-Kent on Thursday, May 9th at the Pines Theatre for the CTC's Annual Arts Recital. Admission is by canned good. **Please note doors open at 6:00 PM, show begins at 6:30 PM

Featuring performances by our black light, dance, drum fit, piano, ukulele and dramatic arts stars! Come and see what they have been working on for weeks for this BIG performance!.



Événement communautaire - Mauricie - AQDR Trois-Rivières

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558094400 1558112400

Déjeuner-causerie de l'AQDR

DATE : Vendredi le 17 mai

Endroit : Restaurant Stratos, 1310, rue Sainte-Marguerite à Trois-Rivières

8 h : Arrivée

8 h 30 : Pastorale et position de l'Église dans d'autres problèmes d'éthique, conférencier: Mgr Luc Bouchard, Évêque de Trois-Rivières

Coût : 15$ pour les membres et 20$ pour les non-membres

RÉSERVEZ et PAYER avant le 15 mai au 819 697-3711.

Restaurant STRATOS
1310, rue Sainte-Marguerite
G8Z 1V7

Community Event - Niagara - Village Of Hope Grand Opening June 7th!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557284340 1557288000

Join our volunteers in celebrating Village of Hope Grand Opening.  Thrift Store will be open 10 to 5 with 50 % off Entire Day !

at 6pm Gates open for outdoor concert , The Associates will take centre stage and perform from 7 - 9pm

tickets are $15 in advance , or $20 at gate.  Door prizes, food, and chance to win Blue Jay tickets level 100!

plus much more ..

Limited tickets so call today 905 964 3809 or stop by VoH 2831 King St Jordan

2831 King St Jordan Village of Hope
2831 King St.