Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Functional Therapy Kindergarten Readiness Workshop

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559080800 1559088000

There will be a Functional Therapy Kindergarten Readiness Parent Workshop on Tuesday, May 28th at 6 p.m. at Renfrew Public Library in the Program Room.  Cost is $25.  This workshop is designed to help parents better understand how they can help prepare their preschoolers for school.  There will be a review of the building blocks of printing and the typical development of fine motor skills.  Topics include pencil grasp, colouring, drawing, letter recognition, letter formations, scissor skills and teaching children to print their names.  

The workshop is specifically targeted to the parent/caregiver population with preschoolers aged 3-4 years.  However, anyone who would like to learn more about preparing a child for kindergarten is more than welcome!

For more info, visit

To register, email

Payment is required at time of registration.

EMT to

Renfrew Public Library
Renfrew Public Library, 13 Railway Avenue
K7V 3A9

Community Event - Cornwall - Perfectly Paris Variety Concert and Fashion Show

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559257200 1559266200

Variety concert and fashion show. Parisian desserts will be served during intermission.  May 30th, 7pm - 9:30pm.  St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,  ‎20389 Church St; South Lancaster.  Tickets $20  Call: 931-2545 or 525-9980.

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
20389 Church St.
K0C 2C0
South Lancaster, ON

Public Notices/Announcements - North Bay - Pinewood Men's Senior Golf

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556888400 1556924400

Pinewood Senior Men’s Golf begins its 2019 season on Wednesday mornings at the Pinewood Golf Course as soon as the course opens.

We would like to invite all Senior golfers (age 55+) to join us for friendly competition and fellowship between 7 and 9 AM on Wednesday mornings.

For further information, please refer to

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Strut from the Hut - June 1st

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556964000 1557028800

Come on out and join us June 1st at Branch 12 for our Strut from the Hut. Lots of fun to be had, all are welcome! $25.00 per person. Starts at 2pm, so come on out and meet some new friends and old ones along the way always a great time had by all lots of fun games. There also will be a bbq at the end when returning to the branch. 

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Probus Club of Belleville welcomes retirees

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557115200 1557201540

Probus Club of Belleville welcomes retirees and semi-retirees at its meetings at 10 a.m. at Maranatha Church, 100 College Street West, Belleville. The guest speaker on Thursday, May 9th is Mayor Panciuk. His topic will be "Achievements in my First 100 Days in Office". The guest speaker on May 23rd is Mark Abrams-Belleville Police. His toic will be "Fraud - Seniors".

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - You're invited to Amherstburg Bike Rodeo

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559484000 1559494800

You're invited to Amherstburg Bike Rodeo - A bike safety event! Bring your bike and learn how to ride safely, enter a free bike draw, and enjoy a bbq lunch. June 2, 10am-1pm at Families First, 585 Sandwich St. S., Amherstburg. Register online at or call 519-969-5841.

Families First
585 Sandwich St. S
N9V 0E2

Community Event - Belleville - Belleville Theatre Guild Evening of One-Act Plays

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567036800 1567045800
1567123200 1567132200
1567209600 1567218600
1567296000 1567305000

Don't miss our sixth Annual Evening of One-Act Plays, featuring six original works by local playwrights.  The writing is fresh, relevant and intense; settings can be anywhere; characters are real or surreal. These works are from the heart, with a packed theatre and a very special atmosphere. See all six each night from August 28 to 31 at the Pinnacle Playhouse. Four nights only, not part of our subscription season. Tickets $10. For more information, call 613-967-1442 or visit

Pinnacle Playhouse
256 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3B1
Belleville, Ontario

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Board members needed at CASON! Visit

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561064400 1561071600


If you believe in an inclusive community where people have the opportunity to overcome the challenges of addiction, we invite you to apply to sit on our Board of Directors!

Our Structure:

We are a governance board that meets 9 times a year on the fourth Thursday of the month in St. Catharines from 5—6:30 pm. We ask for a 3 year commitment.

Who we are Looking for:

People who complement our existing Board’s skill set and particularly have skills/experience in the following:

  •  Finance/Accounting
  •  Marketing
  •  Information Technology (IT)
  • Those with lived experience in recovery or their family members

Other areas of expertise would also be welcomed.

Applicants must be 18 years of age or  older and have a desire to help CASON achieve our mission and vision.