Community Event - Chatham - Providence UC Make Life Sweet Dessert Auction
Dessert Auction
Friday, May 10th, 2019 Begins at 6 p.m. Auction 7 p.m.
Tickets $5.00 Children under 10 free Everyone Welcome
For tickets please call the Office at 519-354-0060
Held at 493 Victoria Avenue, Chatham, ON
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - St. John's Brockville Spring Concert
St. John's United Church Brockville is holding their annual Spring Concert - "Come to the River" on Saturday, May 11th beginning at 7:00 PM. The public is invited to join the St. John's Choir led by Miss Anne Landon and featuring soloists Michael Fenn, Pamela Poehlmann, Christopher Coyea and Alex Fleuriau Chateau. Christopher Cennon from the St. Lawrence College Musical Theatre Program will be the guest accompanist for the evening.
CTickets are available through the Church Office (613.345.5824) or at the door for $15.00.hildren under 10 years are welcome for no charge. Along with the beautiful music you will hear, there will be raffles for Mother's Day baskets, as well as free cookies and beverages following the concert. Stick around and greet the performers!
For further information, please contact:
Christopher Coyea - (M) 613-340-8308. (Email) .
Community Event - Sarnia - Relay For Life Garage Sale, May 11
Come Join us for our Annual Relay For Life Garage Sale on
Saturday May 11, 2019 8am to 2pm
Location, Local Self Storage 712 Lite Street Point Edward
Come join the bbq, vendor sales, Relay For Life teams garage sale items,
Krispy Creme sales and sooooo much more..
Even see some Paw Patrol visitors.
All sales go to support the Relay For Life Sarnia teams that are participating in the Garage Sale.
Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Town of Essex Strategic Plan Community Survey
Citizens of the Town of Essex will have their first chance to weigh-in on the priorities of the municipality with the launch of a community survey. The community survey is available online at Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, May 12 at 4pm.
Paper copies will also be available at the Town’s recreation facilities (Essex Centre Sports Complex, Essex Recreation Complex, and the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre). Completed paper copies can be submitted at those locations or dropped off/mailed to Essex Town Hall, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex Centre.
The results of the survey will feed into the ongoing strategic planning process, which sets out the long-term plans for the new term of Council. Strategic plans are used to guide the overall direction of the organization while identifying key goals to achieve in the next four years.
The 5-10 minute survey will garner feedback from citizens on what they most enjoy about living in Town, as well as what can be improved. It also asks respondents to identify their top three strategic priorities.
The survey will be the first of a number of community engagement opportunities. Once complete, Council will work with administration and the strategic plan facilitator to create a draft plan. The plan will be presented by elected leaders at future community engagement events.
Community Event - North Bay - Community Brunch
Sat. May 25 - Free pancakes & sausages with all the trimmings at Emmanuel United Church, 295 Lakeshore Dr. from 9 - 10:30am.
Bring your friends for a delicious brunch.
Community Event - North Bay - Community Brunch
Sat. May 11 - Free pancakes and sausages with all the trimmings at St. John's Anglican Church, 301 Main St. E. from 9 a.m to 10:30 a.m.
Bring your friends for a delicious brunch.
Community Event - Cornwall - Matthew Larkin Organ Recital
Trinity Anglican Church is presenting an organ recital featuring Matthew Larkin, one of Canada's premier church organists. This is part of our 235th anniversary concert series presentation. June 16th at 3pm. Tickets available at the office, $20 general admission.
Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - COVERDALE TENNIS CLUB - Cobourg
2019 TENNIS SEASON - Coverdale Tennis Club
All levels welcome
Mon, Wed and Fri (9:00am - 11:00am)
More details on
or contact the club president Steve McMullen 905 375-8995
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Annual Indoor Yard Sale - May 27-31
Our Lady of Assumption Annual Indoor Yard Sale - Holy Name Site
711 McEwan Ave. - side door of church
Huge, fabulous assortment of household, misc. items, toys & games, jewelry, crafts, delectable baked goods & raffle items. Lunch available