Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - North Wall Riders Association Welcomes Families
Families of all ages are most welcome to enjoy the company of good friends on Sunday June 9, 2019 for the annual breaded chicken breasts dinner (with all the "sides") + dessert at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 143 - 1570 Marentette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. Proceeds to support Veterans causes in our community. Doors open at 4:00 p.m. with meal service until 7:00 p.m. - entertainment from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m and great door prizes. Advanced tickets ($20.00) pp available at the Legion or by calling Mike - 519 945-3199, Tim - 519 995-3194 or Linda - 519 796-3393. Visit us Your support helps us to continue our work to benefit our Veterans in need.
Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Joshua Bates Centre presents: Spidey Make Believe
Spidey has captured the minds of people around the world with his tours across North America, eight international TV shows and 11+ million online viewers.
Spidey has performed on the stages of the Las Vegas Rio Casino and the iconic NYC Apollo Theatre. He was named US Mentalist of the Year 2017 (despite being Canadian) and has performed for major celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Steve Harvey, Simon Cowell, Neil Patrick Harris, Penn & Teller and many more.
Spidey will perform his much anticipated mind reading show that has been a success on NBC's Today Show, TMZ and Rachael Ray. He promises to bring his popular TV tricks to the Joshua Bates Centre. A magical journey that taps iinto your every emotion. Spidey presents a mind blowing and hilarious MAKE BELIEVE performance. He'll freak you out with his eerie mental demonstrations bordering on the supernatural!
Tickets available online, at Athens Township office during business hours, Serendipity Hair Care 26 Main St E, Athens of by calling Deb (613) 924-2056
Community Event - Belleville - CARP Coffee and Chat.
Join us for a Coffee&Chat on Tuesday May 14 from 2-4pm at Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre Belleville --in Multipurpose room. This months speaker is Gary Buffett ,publisher of "Who Cares" -local magazine for seniors and caregivers- providing credible information to improve health and well being.
Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - CHN- Host an International Student!
Chatham Homestay Network is in need of host families for your International students.
Canada Homestay Network provides a generous monthly stipen.
Stipen is it help cover the cost of groceries, toiletries and household expenses.
Homestay requirements:
private student room- bed, dresser/clothes and small study space. (Bedroom must have a Window)
Preferably two or more family members in the household but not mandatory.
Hosting an International student is a life changing experience for our students and Homestay families!
For additional information please contact your local Relationship Manger Courtney Ouellette or visit
Thank you!
Community Event - Chatham - Vendor Sale For The Big Fix Cat Rescue
Vendor sale in support of The Big Fix Cat Rescue. All proceeds go to the cats. June 15th, 9am-3pm. Lions Community Park, Lighthouse Cove.
Community Event - Niagara - On Board 2019 - Sunday July 21
Get ready for On Board 2019!
On Sunday July 21st, grab a paddle and join Maddi on the Welland Canal to raise funds for brain cancer research in honour of Julia Turner, Lynn Lambert, Dalton Jacques and McKenna Modler. All of the proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society. Donation link to be updated soon.
On Board is an annual Stand Up Paddle board fundraiser that was founded in 2014 by Madeline Leblanc. On Board is a 5km SUP ride that takes place on the Welland Canal in Welland Ontario Canada. The one day event raises funds for brain cancer research with the Canadian Cancer Society in honour of Julia Turner, Lynn Lambert, Dalton Jacques and McKenna Modler. 2019 will mark On Board’s sixth year. In 2018 On Board saw over 200 participants come to the Welland Canal, which included 89 paddlers on the water. Come on out this year on Sunday July 21st to enjoy a fun day paddling on the water to honour those who are fighting or who have fought brain cancer. Races with the Ontario Sup Series is a new addition to the event this year!
Event Schedule (Tentative - Maybe subject to change)
Registration: 9:00am - 10:00am
Ontario SUP Series Races: 10:30am - 12pm
Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
5km Leisure Paddle: 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Awards: 3:30pm
Événement communautaire - Mauricie - FDI Jeanne Mance Shawinigan
Souper de la fête des Mères, le 9 mai à 17 h 30 au restaurant Stratos, 1863 Avenue St-Marc, Shawinigan. Nous fêtons nos MÈRES de même qu'une jubilaire ayant 40 ans d'appartenance au cercle. Invitation aux conjoints, amies, amis. Information : 819 731-3488.
Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Garage Sale!
Come out on June 1st for a garage sale at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 374 Stewart Blvd. Brockville! Lots of great stuff for everybody!
8am until noon.