Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Spring Sale at Christ Church 4750 Zimmerman Ave.
Christ Church, 4750 Zimmerman Ave. on Saturday, May 25th, 2019 from 9 am to 12 noon. Bake Table, Plants, Crafts & Jam, Pickles and Chili Sauce, Treasures, and Books & Puzzles. All are welcome! Wheelchair Accessible.
Événement communautaire - Magog - Pour le transport collectif
L’AQDR Memphrémagog et Les oubliés de l’autobus vous accueilleront le 13 mai, à 19h, au centre communautaire de Magog, 95 Merry nord, 2e étage. Conférenciers invités sur les thèmes de la nécessité, la possibilité et la faisabilité d’un système de transport collectif; entrée gratuite. Transport pour vous rendre à l’activité (réservation avant le 10 mai) et info: 819-868-2342.
Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - St. Paul's is hosting their Annual Plant Sale
Calling all gardeners......St. Paul's is hosting their Annual plant sale, Rain or Shine. Just some of the selections will include perennials, annuals, house plants including plants, flowers, vegetables and edibles.
Just a note that we have moved to 1545 Monaghan Road, c/o The Mount Community Centre
Community Event - Niagara - Glendale's Annual Springfest
Glendale Public School's annual Springfest will be held on Saturday June 1st from 10am to 4pm. This year we have a vintage car show featuring over 20 classic cars, we have over 40 unique crafters and businesses ready to wow you with their products! LeMayzzz Meats will be barbecuing on site to satisfy your hunger and Mad Science will be there from 12pm to 2pm demonstrating some cool experiments, and selling their famous slime! Join in the fun, and take part in our Griffin Hunt! Find all 10 Griffins hidden throughout the school and win a prize. We have an official Lowry Raptors jersey as our door prize, and many many raffle baskets. Come out and support the school! Free admission and free parking
Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - CK Singers Spring Concert
Spring Concert performed by the Chatham Kent Singers
Held at Sprucedale United Church, 493 Victoria Avenue
Parking at the back of the church off Ardleigh or Henry O'Way
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
Freewill Offering
Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Victoria Day Afternoon Day
The Volunteers of Hutchison House Museum are hosting an elegant Victoria Day Tea on Monday May 20th, 2019 starting at 2:00pm to celebrate the 200th birthday of Queen Victoria. A light lunch of savories, sweets and tea will be served in the historic Keeping Room. Tours of the museum will be conducted by costumed guides. Tickets for the event are $25 each and pre-registration is required as seating is limited. For more information or to reserve your seat please contact the museum office at 705-743-9710.