Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Leamington Dog Registration Enforcement

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1555992000 1556078340

Representatives of the Municipality of Leamington will attend door to door selling dog tags commencing April 23, 2019. The cost of a dog tag is $40.00 per dog which includes the late fee. Each municipal representative will be identified with a Municipality of Leamington identification name tag.

Everyone who owns or keeps a dog within the Municipality of Leamington must register their dog by purchasing a dog tag. No one is allowed to own more than two dogs or keep more than two dogs on a property unless the property is licensed as an approved dog kennel. Anyone failing to comply with By-law 668-06 may receive a fine.

Information regarding dog registration, including the Dog Tag Registration Form may be found on Leamington’s website

If you have not yet purchased dog tags, they may also be purchased at the Leamington Municipal Building located at 111 Erie Street North.

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Bake Auction - African Arts Mission Fundraiser

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556319600 1556325000
1557604800 1557619200

Last year in the umbrella of SIM Canada I attended as an international artist to go to Nairobi Kenya in Africa for arts mission to work towards getting children off the streets of Africa and into art. After a successful year, we are holding another art mission to Nairobi.

After Nairobi, I will continue on to Zambia in Mongu for 3 months to work with children in the arts and trauma healing.

We are fundraising for the mission by hosting two fundraisers.


April 26th at 7pm

Brockville Weslyan church

Please bring baked goods to be auctioned off during this event.



May 11th from 4-8pm

7 courthouse square, Brockville 

Full sit down Italian meal, including dessert, coffee & tea.

Entertainment and a silent auction.


Tickets: $20 each purchased before and $25 at the door. Available at the Spit Fire Cafe on Victoria st. in Brockville or Contact Cindy-Lou 613-246-4236





African arts mission
Weslyan church and also 7 courthouse in Brockville
K6V 4r1

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Marché aux puces

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557064800 1557086340
1557151200 1557162000

Le marché aux puces de l'AFÉAS STE-MARGUERITE se tiendra le dimanche 5 mai de 10 à 16 heures et le 6 mai de 10 à 13 heures au sous-sol de l'église Ste-Marguerite au 1325, rue Brébeuf à Trois-Rivières, G8Z 1Z9. Réservez votre table de 8 pieds au coût de 12 $ en composant le 819-379-6293.  Restaurant sur place. Bienvenue à tous !

Sous-sol église Ste-Marguerite
1325, rue Brébeuf
G8Z 1Z9

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Regroupement des artisans

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557288000 1557374340


Le prochain atelier présenté par le Regroupement des Artisans du Centre-Mauricie, aura lieu le 8 mai au Centre Communautaire St-Jean Bosco, 1580, 10e avenue Grand-Mère de 10 h à 16 h.


À cette occasion, l’invitée Mme Pierrette Trudel montrera comment peindre 2 coupes de modèles différents. Le coût de participation à l’atelier est de 7$. De plus pour apprendre les techniques le matériel vous sera vendu 7$.


Chaque participante devra apporter : nappe de plastique,  2 coupes à vin ou verres, plume minerve, stylet, pinceaux, assiette à peinture, 2 débarbouillettes, bol à eau, applicateur à fard à paupières et ciseau.


Apportez votre lunch pour dîner, le café sera servi toute la journée. Le nombre de places étant limité à 15, réservez tôt auprès de Claire Plante Verville au 819 538-6909.


Centre communautaire Ecole St-Jean-Bosco
1580- 10e avenue
G9T 1V4

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - David Maxwell 90th Anniversary Reunion June 14, 15

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555905600 1555991940

On Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, 2019  David Maxwell School alumni, teachers past and present, friends and guests will gather to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of David Maxwell Public School, 1648 Francois Road in Windsor, Ontario.  The 90th Anniversary will be commemorated with the following events: 

At David Maxwell School, two Open House opportunities are planned on Friday June 14 from 4 to 7pm and Saturday June 15 from 12 to 3pm. Admission is free.

The David Maxwell School Alumni Committee has organized a Dinner Dance Social at the Caboto Club, 2175 Parent Avenue.  Tickets are $45 and can be purchased online from  Included in the ticket are a buffet dinner, live band playing your favourite music and a photobooth where you can make new memories.  Parking is free and a cash bar is available.

Please visit our website  for additional information.  We also have a very active Facebook Page.


Community Event - Niagara - Hot Beef Dinner, May 25th, Morgan's Point Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558818000 1558821840

Hot Roast Beef Dinner,  Saturday May 25, 2019 Morgan's  Point United Church, 11430 Lakeshore Road W., Wainfleet, Settings 5 & 6 p.m. Tickets by reservation at 905-899-3626. $18.00 Adult, children under 10 $5.00.  Air conditioned and wheelchair accessible.

Morgan's Point United Church
11430 Lakeshore Road W.,, Port Colborne
L3K 5V4

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Low Cost Pet Rabies Clinic

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556989200 1557000000
1559746800 1559761200
1563980400 1563994800

The Peterborough Humane Society is hosting its annual low-cost Rabies Clinics. The cost is $30 per pet. Dates are May 4th, 1-4pm; June 5th, 11-3pm, and July 24th, 11-3pm. Another clinic will be hosted at Strutt your Mutt in Beavermead Park on September 22, from 10-12pm.

Peterborough Humane Society
385 Lansdowne St East
K9L 2A3