Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Leamington Dog Registration Enforcement
Representatives of the Municipality of Leamington will attend door to door selling dog tags commencing April 23, 2019. The cost of a dog tag is $40.00 per dog which includes the late fee. Each municipal representative will be identified with a Municipality of Leamington identification name tag.
Everyone who owns or keeps a dog within the Municipality of Leamington must register their dog by purchasing a dog tag. No one is allowed to own more than two dogs or keep more than two dogs on a property unless the property is licensed as an approved dog kennel. Anyone failing to comply with By-law 668-06 may receive a fine.
Information regarding dog registration, including the Dog Tag Registration Form may be found on Leamington’s website
If you have not yet purchased dog tags, they may also be purchased at the Leamington Municipal Building located at 111 Erie Street North.