Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Strutt Your Mutt

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1569204000 1569265200

The annual Strutt Your Mutt walk in support of the Peterborough Humane Society is taking place on September 22, 2019 at Beavermead Park. This event promises loads of fun for the entire family, with vendors, contests, prizes, a BBQ and more! Register as an individual or team by visiting

Beavermead Park
2011 Ashburnham Dr
K9L 1P8

Community Event - North Bay - The Journey is the Reward

Submitted by jroussy on
1560571200 1560657540

A.A. 72nd Annual District 

Panels & District Speaker, Al-Anon Panels, Banquet, Dance, Talk-a-thon, Free Light Lunch & Fellowship

June 15th at Centre les Compagnons, 327 Dudley Ave. North Bay

Registration, Banquet & Dance $40

Registration & Dance $20

call Kayla 705-492-6714 or Irene 705-471-5557

Centre les Compagnons
327 Dudley Ave.
North Bay

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - CLUB C EVENT CENTER AT CLUB CASTROPIGNANO

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556739000 1556753400

Presents Our monthly

Gnocchi Night In Niagara

First Wednesday of Each Month in 2019.

Come and enjoy Club Castropignano’s famous Gnocchi Dinner with family and friends!

Great for group events or special occasions.

  • Take – Out 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Eat –    In  5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Delicious and generous portion of homemade Gnocchi with two meatballs, salad and bun!
  • Adult: $11.95 + Tax…Child: $7.97 + Tax… (Small portion, one meatball, salad and bun!)
  • Cash Bar
  • Cash, Debit & Major Credit Cards Accepted


  • Club Castropignano is Now…
  • CLUB  C  EVENT CENTER At Club Castropignano
  • Just 3 minutes from the 406 Merritt St Exit
  • 1311 Egerter Road, Port Robinson, ON
  • For group reservations please call 905-384-9292

Événement communautaire - Thetford Mines - Centre Régional du Deuil

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557183600 1557190800

Le Centre Régional du Deuil, situé au 390 rue Labbé, invite les personnes endeuillées à sa rencontre mensuelle gratuite, lundi le 6 mai 2019  exceptionnellement à 19h00.

Thème: Se retrouver et continuer de vivre son histoire après ton départ.

Madame Linda Leblond  (personne - ressource)  nous raconte le tsunami vécu après le décès de son  fils unique, elle partage le possible de retrouver la joie de vivre


Centre Régional du Deuil
390, rue Labbé
G6G 1Z3
Thetford Mines

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Filles d'Isabelle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557072000 1557140400

Dîner bénéfice spaghetti le dimanche 5 mai à midi au coût de 12$ (dessert et breuvage compris) au profit des oeuvres des Filles d'Isabelle du Cercle Marie Leneuf de Trois-Rivières. Au sous-sol de l'Église St-Laurent, 1705 rue de Malapart à Trois-Rivières. Bienvenue à tous!  Infos et réservations : 819 372-0282.

sous-sol de l'église St-Laurent
1705,rue de Malapart
G8Y 6C6

Community Event - Belleville - Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 Belleville NOTICE

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555819200 1555905540

Ontario Command Service Officer Mrs. Patricia Royle is coming to the Royal Canadian Legion Belleville Branch 99 on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.

If you would like to meet with Mrs. Patricia Royle, please contact Belleville Branch 99 Service Officer: Doreen Guimont by telephone 613-966-4297 or by email to set up an appointment time.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 Belleville
132 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3A4

Community Event - Kingston - Homemade Soup & Sandwich Lunch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558107000 1558112400

Friday May 17, 2019  11:30 am to 1:00 pm St. Paul's Parish Hall on the corner of Queen and Montreal Streets

Homemade Soup & Sandwich, Tea or Coffee $5.00 Dessert $1.00

Take-out available

St Paul's Anglican Church
137 Queen Street
K7K 1A8