Community Event - Chatham - Physical Fitness for a Healthier You

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557955800 1557959400

Newcomers and Immigrants: Come and learn about benefits of regular physical activity. May 5th @17:30-18:30 @ Adult Language and Learning. 240 King St. W. For more info 519-352-7424.

Adult Language and Learning
240 King St. W
N7M 1E7

Community Event - Chatham - Etiquette of Making and Keeping Appointments

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557351000 1557354600

Newcomers and Immigrants: Come and learn about importance of punctuality. May 8th @17:30-18:30 @ Adult Language and Learning. 240 King St. W. For more info 519-352-7424.

Adult Language and Learning
240 King St. W
N7M 1E7

Community Event - Chatham - Dealing with a Neighbour Dispute

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556746200 1556749800

Newcomers and Immigrants: Come and learn about residential by-laws and how the law protects you. May 1st @17:30-18:30 @ Adult Language and Learning. 240 King St. W. For more info 519-352-7424.

Adult Language and Learning
240 King St. W
N7M 1E7

Community Event - Niagara - Giant Flea Market May 4

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1546232400 1546318740

Lots of goods for every bargain hunter,  Westminster United Church(across from Tim Hortons) 180 Queenston Street St. Catharines May 4 8 am till noon, enjoy a coffee and doughnut as you browse around

Westminster United Church
180 Queenston Street
L2R 2Z7
St. Catharines, ON

Community Event - Niagara - Giant Flea Market May 4

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555473600 1555559940

Lots of goods for every bargain hunter,  Westminster United Church(across from Tim Hortons) 180 Queenston Street St. Catharines May 4 8 am till noon, enjoy a coffee and doughnut as you browse around

Westminster United Church
180 Queenston Street
L2R 2Z7
St. Catharines, ON

Community Event - Belleville - Sweet Nostalgia- Songs From Our L.P.'s

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559498400 1559505600

Enjoy Command Performance Choir as it presents a concert of choral arrangements of popular music from the 60's.70's and 80's. Among the talented composers to be featured are Carole King, Lennon & McCartney, Paul Simon, Gordon Lightfoot and Joni Mitchell. The intricate harmonies of the choral settings of these familiar tunes will wrap you in sweet nostalgia.

Tickets $20 at, QAC office, Bridge St United Church office or at the door.

Bridge St United Church
60 Bridge St E.

Community Event - Belleville - Sweet Nostalgia- Songs From Our L.P.'s

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559431800 1559439000

Enjoy Command Performance Choir as it presents a concert of choral arrangements of popular music from the 60's.70's and 80's. Among the talented composers to be featured are Carole King, Lennon & McCartney, Paul Simon, Gordon Lightfoot and Joni Mitchell. The intricate harmonies of the choral settings of these familiar tunes will wrap you in sweet nostalgia.

Tickets $20 at, Books & Company, Picton or at the door.

St Mary Magdalene Church
335 Main St
K0K 2T0

Community Event - Niagara - St. Thomas More Church CWL Spring Rummage Sale!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555387200 1555473540

Title:           Spring Rummage Sale

Location:    St. Thomas More Church CWL

                    6548 Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls, ON

Date:           Saturday, April 27, 2019

Time:           9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Everyone welcome!

St. Thomas More Catholic Church Hall
6548 Dorchester Road
L2G 5T5
Niagara Falls

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - June 1st - Bake, Craft, Plant and Yard Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559390400 1559408400

Rent a table and sell your items. You keep the proceeds from you sale. Sat. June 1,2019 8AM -1:00PM.

Tables will be set out on the lawn of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Smiths Falls.

Rain date is Sat. June 8. Proceeds from table rental go to the work of the church,

Westminster Presbyterian Church,
11 Church St. West
K7A 1P6
Smiths Falls