Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Annual Tulip Tea
Tulip Tea at Miramichi Lodge on Wed.May 8, 2019 from 2 - 4 p.m
sponsored by Mir. Lodge Auxiliary. Admission $10.00
Tickets available at Miramichi reception desk or at the door.
Public Notices/Announcements - Ottawa Valley - Wine Tasting Friday at the Museum
Come to the Museum for a fun night out at our Wine Tasting Friday (WTF) event on Friday May 10th at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $25 or $20 if you are a member of the Champlain Trail Museum/OVHS. Tickets are available in advance at the Museum or online via Paypal. Stay tuned for more information!
Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Town of Grimsby Property Taxes
The second installment of the 2019 Interim Tax Bill is due May 3rd. For further information call 905-945-9634.
Community Event - Sarnia - Harmony for Youth's 1st Annual Golf Tournament
Shotgun start at 8:00 am
$125 per person, golf package includes 18 holes of golf with cart, prizes and a Roast Beef dinner at the Clubhouse following the Tournament. There will be a putting contest for $5.00 and you can purchase Mulligans for $5.00. Proceeds from this event go to Harmony for Youth. *Harmony for Youth offers free music lessons for youth. For every hour of instruction received, the youth must give back to their community by doing an hour of community service.*
To register, please etransfer your payment to with your team name and players names or drop payment off at 150 Christina Street (Bayside Mall—right off of George Street) Unit #101.
For sponsorship information, please contact:
Teresa at 519.336.0344
Community Event - Sarnia - Gallery in the Grove Exhibit Opens Sun., Apr. 28
Gallery in the Grove's annual “Fast Forward” Senior High School Exhibition with highlights from the VALS program opens April 28th from 1pm-3pm. Extended hours for Family Night on Thursday, May 9th from 11am-8pm. Exhibit runs until May 25th. Robynn Marks is our Gift Shop artist. For more information visit or call 519-869-4643.
Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Salvation Army Community Easter Dinner
Sunday, April 21 from 5pm to 7pm. The traditional dinner will be served at the Windsor Centre of Hope location at 355 Church St. 29-year-old Windsor native, Sam Sinjari has donated 40 turkeys to make sure everyone has the opportunity to enjoy a healthy, hearty meal together on Easter Sunday.