Community Event - North Bay - Mother's Day Tea
Gloria Gardens Seniors Club (2475 Trout Lake Rd.)
Includes a bake table on Saturday, May 4 from 11am - 1:30pm
Adults $7
Children 6-12 $3.50
Children 5-Under Free
Gloria Gardens Seniors Club (2475 Trout Lake Rd.)
Includes a bake table on Saturday, May 4 from 11am - 1:30pm
Adults $7
Children 6-12 $3.50
Children 5-Under Free
Conférence gratuite - journée internationale de la Fibromyalgie, lundi le 13 mai à 18 h 30.
Invités : Aymeric Averlant, étudiant en 3e année au baccalauréat, ainsi que le Dr Cyril Schneider.
Endroit : 109, rue Brunelle, à Trois-Rivières. Inscription : 819 371-1458.
Aquaforme à Louiseville, mardi le 14 mai à 12 h 30.
Gratuit pour les membres.
Endroit : Centre aquatique Martine Masson, 160, rue St-Aimé à Louiseville.
Inscription : 819 371-1458.
Hard to beat a full plate of spaghetti with a tasty meat sauce with garlic toast for $4.50, Perogi dinner $5.75 or chicken/veal parmigiana $8. Full menu always available at 777 Tecumseh Road west. Details 519-253-1834.
Yoga adapté à Shawinigan, mercredi le 8 mai à 13 h 30.
Gratuit pour les membres.
Endroit : Yoga Sérénité, 560, Avenue Broadway à Shawinigan.
Inscription : 819 371-1458.
Fun-filled day excursion on Monday, May 6. Bus leaves Moose Lodge @ 8:30am sharp. $25 per person, $15 casino comp on arrival. Advance Sales Only. Call Maryanne at 519-995-2225 for more info.
Saturday, June 8th
Bus Trip to the ROM and Gardiner Museum in Toronto with Gallery in the Grove. Tickets, $100 members, $110 non-members. Bus departs Canadian Tire parking lot at 7:45am, returns at 8pm. For detailed info and schedule, visit
hosted by Trinity UCW at Trinity United Church, 111 McIntyre Street East (at Ferguson), Friday, April 26, 11 am to 1 pm
A free panel discussion sponsored by Trent Valley Archives about the archeological dig at Brock St. parking lot at Highland Park Visitors Centre, 25 Apr, 2019, 7-9 PM. Refreshments & AGM to follow.
Thursday, April 25
The Rotary Clubs of Sarnia, Sarnia-Bluewaterland, and Sarnia Lambton After Hours are sponsoring a presentation by Jennifer Pate aimed at raising awareness about pollution, especially plastics and chemical toxins. The presentation will be given by Jennifer Pate of Bayfield. She is a geographer, entrepreneur and co-founder of an organization deeply concerned about pollution in the Great Lakes.
The presentation will take place at the Sarnia Library Auditorium commencing at 7 PM. Admission is FREE.