Événement communautaire - Mauricie - EXPO VENTE SYMBIOSE DES ARTS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556982000 1557003600
1557068400 1557090000

OÙ PEINTURE ET MÉTIERS D'ART S'UNISSENT! Les 4 et 5 mai, de 11 h à 17 h, à l'intérieur des grandes salles de Ville-Joie à Trois-Rivières, secteur Pointe-du-Lac.

L'entrée est gratuite pour tous alors venez rencontrer nos 44 artistes et artisans venus de partout au Québec. Tirage d'environ 40 oeuvres de qualité!!

Un bel événement à ne pas manquer.

Base de Plein Air ViIle-Joie (Ville-Joie St-Dominique),
11441 rue Notre-Dame Ouest,
G9B 6W5
Trois-Rivières, (Pointe du Lac),

Community Event - Sarnia - Corunna Legion Br. 447 Cancer Society Chilli Lunch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555601400 1555608600

Corunna Legion

Thursday April 18th, 2019
11:30am - 1:30pm

$6.00 a bowl (including "seconds" when dining in at The Legion)
Takeout's $5.00 (No "seconds" on takeout's) call the Legion at (519) 862-1240 to order takeout's, for regular dine in or to reserve a table

Tickets will be available at the door.

Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 447
Albert and Beckwith St
N0N 1G0

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Half-Price Sale at Marie's Cupboard

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556370000 1556384400

Marie's Cupboard is a new-to-you shop located in St. Paul's United Church, 290 Dibble Street West in Prescott.  There will be a half-price sale on Saturday, April 27, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

Marie's Cupboard, St. Paul's United Church
290 Dibble Street West
K0E 1T0
Prescott, Ontario

Community Event - Niagara - YFC Niagara Vendor Sale Saturday April 20th!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555765200 1555783200

Our first annual vendor show will host a variety of vendors and crafters. We will be selling our very own Youth Unlimited brand coffee, as well as baked goods, and a lunch. Come out to support the YFC/Youth Unlimited programs from all over Niagara. If you would like more information about the different programs in Niagara, be sure to check out our website. yfcniagara.com Hope to see you there!

The Deck Youth Centre
226 Merritt St.
L2T 1J6
St. Catharines