Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Sportsmen's Club 61st Kid's Fishing Derby

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557576000 1557588600

Free fishing derby sponsored by the Windsor Sportsmen's Club for kids up to 12 years old.

Saturday, May 11 from 8-11:30am. Meet at Reaume or Sculpture Park Windsor at the Detroit River.

Bring your pole & bucket. Free bait. Awards & Prizes.

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - 36th Annual Strawberry Festival, June 22, 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561208400 1561230000

Come and enjoy all things STRAWBERRY including shortcake crepes, jam along with barbeque, plants, fresh strawberries for sale, silent auction, used books, collectibles, bake table, along with a children's area tours of our historic church celebrating 225th anniversary this year, and entertainment all day.

Community Event - Sarnia - Bake sale Sat. May 11th 9-noon St. Luke's Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557579600 1557590460

Bake Sale May 11,2019 from 9 - noon at St. Luke's United Church,

corner of Indian & Wellington. There will be baking, crafts, turkey

pot pies and other assorted vendors with various items. For info

call 519-344-1781.

St. Luke's United Church
350 Indian Rd. S.
N7T 3W8

Community Event - Belleville - Medical School Information Night

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559685600 1559696400

Free information session for students (and their parents) interested in medical school.  Panel discussion with local medical students, residents, and physicians. 

CIBC, Scotiabank and Quinte 1st Credit Union will be in attendance to answer parent's questions on funding your children's education.  

No charge to attend, but please RSVP to

Quinte West City Hall Council Chambers
7 Creswell Drive
K8V 5R6