Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - My Home, My Choice 2019 - 'Tech' it Out!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556661600 1556672400

Learn about the positive impact technology can have in a home, and about different, unique, and affordable tech options that can increase independence and accessibility with one’s home.

What you can expect:
• Affordable Housing - Learn about programs for city and county residents like Ontario Renovates. Presented by City of Windsor Housing Representatives
• Home Automation - Terry Humphreys and Jamie Renwick of Humphreys Electrical Contracting will present about the latest technology available to keep people safe and secure and make life easier in the home.
• Hands on - Networking opportunities to try high and low tech items. Information stations, personal questions and more.
• Stories about different home options, independent facilitation, decision making & more
• Zoom capability to be able to participate from home.

Creating a home of one’s own takes: partners and professionals from independent facilitators to local service providers; government programs to private contractors; and for some the use of technology. Most importantly – it takes: friends, family, supportive neighbours, and others who care! Why wait for the government, it’s time to develop a vision, and take a first step. Come out to see how others did this!

Register by Friday, April 26 at Check out our website for more details about this event and feel free to spread the word!

Windsor-Essex Family Network
7025 Enterprise Way, Room A
N8T 3N6.
Windsor, ON

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Movie Night at The Salvation Army Community Church

Submitted by ssavage on
1556145000 1556150400

Come out to 175 First Ave., Brockville on April 24th at 6:30pm for "The Calling"!  A movie about a missionary who is called to South America.  It's a true story that you won't want to miss!  All welcome!  Contact 613-345-2901

The Salvation Army Community Church
175 First Ave

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561485600 1561493700

Destroyer starring Nicole Kidman will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on Tuesday, June 25 at 2:00 pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560880800 1560888900

Isn't it Romantic starring Rebel Wilson & Liam Hemsworth will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on Tuesday, June 18 at 2:00 pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560276000 1560284100

Serenity starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on Tuesday,  June 11 at 2:00 pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Chatham - Movies @ Your Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559671200 1559679300

Second Act starring Jennifer Lopez will be shown in the Meeting Room of the Chatham Branch on Tuesday, June 4 at 2:00 pm. All are welcome. 

Chatham-Kent Public Library - Chatham Branch
120 Queen Street
N7M 2G6

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - 25th Anniversary - Blessed Trinity Catholic SS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554915600 1555002000

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School.  

Save the Date and join us for a school open house and pub night on Saturday, June 8, 2019 for music, food & drinks, raffles, and reconnecting with old friends.  

Online ticket sales began on March 1. 

You will need to register an online account to purchase tickets  and once tickets are purchased the printed receipt will grant entry to the event.

Use this link for cash online - or visit our school website for more information.

Hope to see you there!

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Concert Chœur à coeur

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558654200 1558659600

La chorale Les amis de la chanson vous invite à son concert printanier intitulé Chœur à cœur le 23 mai, 19 h 30. Chansons québécoises et françaises alterneront avec des airs folkloriques d’autrefois! Billets au coût de 10 $ en vente au Centre d'action bénévole de Valleyfield : 95, rue Salaberry.

Édifice Gaëtan-Rousse
110, rue Mathias
J6T 3L6

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Al-Anon de Valleyfield

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557183600 1557189000




06   MAI                 LUNDI SOIR                      19 H          CAFÉ DES 2 PAINS

                                                                                           107 RUE JACQUES-CARTIER, VALLEYFIELD


15   MAI                 MERCREDI SOIR              19 H         CATHÉDRALE, 66 RUE DU MARCHÉ, VALLEYFIELD


23   MAI                 JEUDI APRES-MIDI          13 H 30    1 RUE BÉLANGER, VALLEYFIELD


26   MAI                 DIMANCHE MATIN           10 H         1 RUE BÉLANGER, VALLEYFIELD



café des 2 pains
107 rue jacques -cartier
j6t 5t5

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - An Evening With Questionable Comedians

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556580600 1556586000

Come out and support the 2019 Relay For Life!  Monday, April 29th at 7:30 pm. The Kilted Canuck, 1 Mechanic St. W., Maxville. Tickets: $20 on sale at 14 Montreal Rd. or register at or call 613-932-1283 and receive FREE admission.  Lasagna dinner buffet served for $20, with $5 being donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.