Community Event - Niagara - Time for our Spring & Summer Clothing Boutique

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556373600 1556380800

Central United Church 30 Delhi Street, Port Colborne

Saturday, April 27th, 2019 [10 a.m. till 12 noon]

Time for our next Spring & Summer Clothing Boutique

Join us for shopping! No charge. Free will donations accepted

For further information, call the church office at 905-834-4533

Central United Church
30 Delhi Street,
L3K 3K6
Port Colborne

Community Event - Sarnia - Princess and Superheroes Party Fundraiser

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1525453200 1525464000

Princess and Superheroes Party Fundraiser for The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton

When: Saturday, May 4, 2019

Where: Our Lady of Mery Church Hall 390 Christina St. North

Age: 3-10

Arrive dressed as your favourite Princess/Superhero!


Events Include:

-Sing-a-long with your favourite Princess/Superhero!

-Storytime with your favourite Princess/Superhero!

-Activity booths!

-Crock a Doodle!

-Door prizes!

-Local Vendors!

-Live actors/actresses will be present!

Children must be accompanied by an adult, included in ticket price.


Tickets may be purchased from The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton in advance for $15.00 or at the door for $20.00

Our Lady of Mercy Church Hall
390 Christina Street N
N7T 4V5

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Willy Wonka presented by Beamsville D. Sec. School

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556251200 1556337540
1556337600 1556423940
1556856000 1556942340
1556942400 1557028740
1556510400 1556596740
1556596800 1556683140
1556683200 1556769540
1556769600 1556855940

Beamsville District Secondary School proudly presents our musical production of  "Willy Wonka." This scrumdidilyumptious musical is guaranteed to delight everyone's sweet tooth. Please call the school at 905-563-8267 x 60314 to reserve tickets. April 26th, 27th, May 3 & 4 @ 7pm and April 29th, 30th, May 1 and May 2 at 12 noon. 

Événement communautaire - Baie-Comeau - Centre de femmes l'Étincelle

Submitted by pdelobel on
1554868800 1554955140

Pour apporter une aide aux femmes dans le besoin, le centre a fait installer une douche afin que celles-ci puissent combler un
besoin de base, soit l’hygiène corporelle. De plus, un service de buanderie est à leur disposition pour leurs vêtements. Le centre offre un accueil chaleureux où
chaque femme est assurée du respect et de la confidentialité lorsqu’elle passe les portes.  Le Centre de femmes l’Étincelle tient à souhaiter la bienvenue à toutes les femmes qui auront besoin de ce service.

772, boul. Blanche


772, boul. Blanche

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - 25th Anniversary - Blessed Trinity Catholic SS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554868800 1554955140

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School.  

Save the Date and join us for a school open house and pub night on Saturday, June 8, 2019 for music, food & drinks, raffles, and reconnecting with old friends.  

Online ticket sales began on March 1. 

You will need to register an online account to purchase tickets  and once tickets are purchased the printed receipt will grant entry to the event.

Use this link for cash online - or visit our school website for more information.

Hope to see you there!

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Smiths Falls Home and Living Expo

Submitted by swright on
1554868800 1554955140

Mark your calendar - Saturday May 4th & 5th.
The Smiths Falls home and living show will be at Settlers Ridge Centre in Smiths Falls. 
|For more information on the event, vendors or becoming a vendor you can visit

Smiths Falls Settlers Ridge, Home and Living Expo
275 Brockville Street
Smiths Falls

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Join us for Campfires & Cocktails on May 4th!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557009000 1557025200

Join us for a unique opportunity to sample campfire-inspired cuisine prepared and served by local culinary experts, while listening to the sensational sounds of The Dixie Hicks (Kate Brioux, Melissa Payne and Kate Suhr), and strolling through the galleries of The Canadian Canoe Museum. Guests will be invited to participate in a live auction featuring paddles designed and painted by local artisans and Canadian celebrities. A canoe built by renowned builder, Walter Walker, will also be available to bid on! Funds raised through the event will support the award-winning educational and public programs offered at the museum.

The Canadian Canoe Museum
910 Monaghan Road
K9J 5K4

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - NSNAP Spring Bazaar and Raffle Fundraiser Event

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556110800 1556150400
1556197200 1556236800
1556283600 1556323200
1556370000 1556409600
1556460000 1556470800

Spring Bazaar NSNAP Niagara Spay and Neuter Assistance Program Inc.
Fairview Mall 285 Geneva St. St. Catharines ON, Wed. April 24 - Sun. April 28
Have some shopping fun with our great selection of new and next to new gifts, housewares, baked goods, jewellery, tickets for the Spring Raffle now in full swing.

To donate items call us or bring your goodies in, located near Zehrs, during Mall hours. Volunteers are also gratefully invited. Short term foster homes are urgently needed. 

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Annual Plant Sale - Saturday, May 11

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1557579600 1557590400

The Leamington Horticultural Society will be holding their annual Plant Sale on Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 am – 12 noon at Leamington United Church, 9 John Street. There will be a variety of perennial, annual and vegetable plants; trees, shrubs and much much more. Patio Pots, Hanging Flower Bags, Unique All Purpose Totes, a Trash to Treasure and refreshment table. Sales are cash or cheque.