Community Event - Niagara - Walk For Arthritis
The Walk for Arthritis is a one day community-based event that raises much needed funds for the more than 6 million Canadians affected by arthritis.
The South Central Regional Walk supports the Niagara, Norfolk, Haldimand, Hamilton, Halton and Brant communities. This year's Walk will be taking place at McMaster University in Hamilton ON
New this year in South Central Region! Qualifying teams at the Walk can compete in a series of challenges to test their brain, brawn & wit. Any team that raises a total of $500 or more, can enter one team member into the team challenge. The winning team scores Gold and a fantastic team prize! May the best team win!
Individuals, who are not part of a team, are eligible to compete having raised $500 in support of the 10th Annual Walk For Arthritis.
Join us this year as we celebrate our 10th Walk For Arthritis. The day promises to be joyful, spirited and a day to be remembered.