Community Event - Sarnia - Spring Tea jewellery, homemade spring rolls, lunch
Featuring Jewellery,scarves,purses,HOMEMADE spring rolls,limited bake table
Lunch $7:00-sandwiches,desserts,tea,coffee,juice
50-50 Draw Door Prizes
Featuring Jewellery,scarves,purses,HOMEMADE spring rolls,limited bake table
Lunch $7:00-sandwiches,desserts,tea,coffee,juice
50-50 Draw Door Prizes
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the passing of a remarkable and significant Canadian historical figure, Laura Secord. Orchestra Breva will honour Ms. Secord's contributions with a concert celebration highlighting her heroic acts and life's journey, illustrated through music significant to her time and circumstance. All who have served humanity through in times of war and peace, through acts of bravery and sacrifice, will be honoured. It will feature classical musicians, Indigenous artists, local historians, new compositions, and Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony.
Windsor - Tecumseh - Ingersoll - Brantford - Niagara
Classical Musicians and Local Historians unite to tell the remarkable life story of this iconic Canadian Hero featuring BEETHOVEN’S EROICA SYMPHONY honour of all War Heroes
May 25 | 8 pm Assumption Hall - University of Windsor
May 26 | 8 pm Paroisse Ste Anne - Tecumseh
June 20 | 8 pm Cheese Museum - Ingersoll
June 21 | 8 pm Sanderson Centre - Brantford
June 23 | 2 pm Queenston Heights - Niagara-on-the-Lake
Tickets available through concert venues - ORDER EARLY for best pricing, VETERANS - free 519.980.1113 |
Windsor Historical Society Veterans Memories Project info@windsorhistoricalsociety
Bébé Layette invite la population à participer à sa journée spaghetti le vendredi 26 avril 2019, de 11 h 30 à 13 h 30 et de 17 h à 19 h 30 au Club de curling, 19 rue Maden, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield. Cette activité de financement servira à aider les familles à faible revenu d’enfants 0-5 ans. Coût : prévente : adulte : 12 $, enfant 10 ans et moins : 5 $. À la porte : adulte:14 $, enfant 10 ans et moins : 5 $ Information ou commande à apporter : 450 377-5227.
Conférence "Le curateur public du Québec et la protection des enfants inaptes" le jeudi 2 mai à 13h30 ou 18h30,
au Centre Aquatique Desjardins, 850 Turcot, 2e étage (ascenseur).
Réservation avant le 25 avril en indiquant votre choix d'heure, votre nom et téléphone,
au 450-778-2472 poste 6331 ou 796-3106. Vous recevrez une confirmation de votre réservation.
The fourteenth annual Rankin Cancer Run will be held on Saturday May 25th. It is the largest fundraising cancer event in the Niagara Region with over 14,000 participants in 2019.
Our annual Easter celebration, formally known as the Unbunny party. Registration opens at 12:30. The opening begins at 1:00p.m. Stations will include:
Parachute games, Action Games, Escape tombs, Snack, Craft, Coloring, Parent Cafe, Guessing jars.
St. John's Lutheran Church, 357 Miller St., Pembroke
Every Thursday, 8:30pm to close. A great, fun-filled evening of laughs, entertainment & meeting new friends. Come early & enjoy a choice of BBQ dinners, 4-8pm. 519-253-1834.
Seven members of Sawuti Children's Choir from South Africa share their testimony and music in this free concert.
The 126 Flying Lancers are having an Electronics Drop Off on April 26, 27 and 28 at the Royal Canadian Legion on Spring Street in Niagara Falls.
Friday, April 26 from 4pm to 7pm during the Legion's Fish Fry
Saturday, April 27 from 10am to 4pm, with a Barbecue from 11:30 to 1pm. Hamburgers, Hotdogs and Veggie Burgers.
Sunday, April 28 from 10am to 2pm.
For more information please contact Sponsoring Committee Members Vanessa at 289-968-8675 or Evan at 905-650-8675. Email
Thank you for your time and support.
Saturday, April 27 from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. at 276 Church St., Pembroke. Good used Clothing, books, toys, knick-knacks, household items.
Call 613-732-8763.