Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Déjeuner en choeur

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555853400 1555862400

Déjeuner en Choeur vous invite à une rencontre amicale pour les personnes seules de 50 ans et plus, dimanche le 21 avril à 9 h 30 au resto-bar Mondo, 120 rue des Forges à Trois-Rivières (2e étage ). Pour information : Diane 819 696-7085.

resto-bar Mondo
120 rue des Forges

Community Event - Niagara - Pasta Supper for everyone!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1559851200 1559862000

Bring your family and friends to a casual and delicious Pasta Supper. Enjoy pasta with either tomato or 'white' sauce, meatballs/sausage, coffee/tea included (eat-in only). Eat-in or Take-out. Cash Bar. $13/adult, $9/child. Catered by Antipasto di Roma. All proceeds to Holy Rosary Church.

Holy Rosary Hall
35 Queen St. South
L2V 3M7

Community Event - Niagara - Pasta Supper for everyone!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556827200 1556838000

Bring your family and friends to a casual and delicious Pasta Supper. Enjoy pasta with either tomato or 'white' sauce, meatballs/sausage, coffee/tea included (eat-in only). Eat-in or Take-out. Cash Bar. $13/adult, $9/child. Catered by Antipasto di Roma. All proceeds to Holy Rosary Church.

Holy Rosary Hall
35 Queen St. South
L2V 3M7

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Walker Road Lane Reduction for Median Work

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1554892200 1554933600

Southbound Walker Road will see intermittent lane reductions between Ypres Avenue and St. Julien Avenue for replacement of artificial turf in the median from  Wednesday, April 10 to Friday, April 12 and Monday, April 15 from 6:30am to 6pm (weather permitting).