Community Event - Sarnia - Basement Sale Sat.Apr.27/19 8am-noon St.Luke's
Saturday April 27, 2019 Basement Sale from 8-12 at St. Luke's United Church
at the corner of Indian and Wellington. There will be an assortment household
items, and books for sale. No clothes or plants. There will be hot dogs, butter tarts
and other kinds of tarts for sale. For more information call 519-344-1781.
Public Notices/Announcements - Ottawa Valley - Spring Rummage Sale
Petawawa Presbyterian Church. Rummage Sale. 24 Ethel St. Sat. 27 April 2019. 9 to 12noon.
Community Event - Sarnia - Lambton Youth Choir Yard Sale
Lambton Youth Choir Yard Sale
4130 Dufferin Avenue
Petrolia, ON N0N 1R0
Friday, April 26 9 am to 7 pm
Saturday, April 27 9 am to 1 pm
Wide selection of items from several families
Hot Dogs, drinks, and baked goods also available to purchase
Come to The Petrolia Town Wide Yard Sale!
Community Event - Kingston - NDCC “ELEGANT JUNK SALE”
This is a biennial giant garage sale sponsored by Napanee Curling Club, 178 York St, Napanee to take place in the club(Indoor Venue)
on Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 8am-1pm. Variety of goods for sale. Including an “Estate Table”.
Événement communautaire - Thetford Mines - Brunch communautaire annuel
Brunch annuel de notre communauté
Dimanche le 28 avril 2019 de 9h00 à 13h00 , les membres du CCOL d’Adstock (secteur St-Méthode) invitent toute la population d’Adstock et d’ailleurs à leur brunch annuel. > la salle du Complexe Mariette et Joseph Faucher.
Invitation à tous
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Mother's Day Brunch - May 12
Doors open 11:30am | Artistic Program by Youth begins 12pm
Enjoy live performances, prizes and a buffet style brunch including salad bar, crepe station, and more!
Tickets $30 | Children 4-10 $15 | Children 3 & Under FREE
Salad Bar
Polish Favourites (Pierogi, Cabbage Rolls)
Crepe Station
Various Meat & Vegetarian Dishes
Organized by Polish Club Windsor in Collaboration with the SPDL Youth Group
Walker String Quartet presents Haydn's Seven Last Words of Christ
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Rummage Sale at Emmanuel United Church
Something for everyone at our Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 27 from 9am until 1pm. Starting at noon fill a bag for $4.00. It's all taking place at Emmanuel United Church, 1728 Lincoln Road, Windsor.