Community Event - Niagara - Port Colborne Art Club Annual Show and Tea

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556683200 1556769540

The Port Colborne Art Club is pleased to host their annual Art Show and Tea on Thursday 16th May from noon until 5.  We have held these art shows for over 30 years and offer unique paintings by local artists as well as a social tea.  Tickets ($8) are available from members and at the door and include complimentary sandwiches, desserts, tea and coffee.  We also have greeting cards for sale, a bake table and a raffle table.  There is plenty of parking at our location (the Bethel Community Centre, 2703 Chippawa Road E, Port Colborne)  For further information, please check our Facebook page (Port Colborne Art Club), phone 905 899 1257 or email us at

Bethel Community Centre
2703 Chippawa Road E
L3K 5V5
Port Colborne

Community Event - North Bay - Spring Tea & Bake Sale

Submitted by jroussy on
1557586800 1557595800

Saturday May 11th from 11am - 1:30pm

Adults $7, Child $3.50

Fancy sandwiches, celery, carrots, pickles, suprise dessert, tea or coffee

North Bay Golden Age Club (135 Worthington St. W.)

Everyone is Welcome!

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington St.
North Bay

Community Event - North Bay - YOGA

Submitted by jroussy on
1554831000 1554834600

Hatha Yoga is the most widely practiced form of yoga in the world. Hatha Yoga uses postures and conscious breathing in combination with mental focus to develop awareness, strength and flexibility. 

Join Jesse on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30pm 


* Bring a mat or towel and weare loose comfortable clothing

*Bring shoes or slippers (no boots)

*Arrive 10 minutes early

North Bay Golden Age Club (135 Worthington St. W.)

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington St.
North Bay

Community Event - North Bay - North Bay Golden Angels

Submitted by jroussy on
1554472800 1554480000

If you like to knit or crochet and would like to be a part of our group of volunteers, join us from 10am - Noon every Friday. 

We make hats, mitts, scarves, and blankets. 

All items are made and donated to charity. 

For more information call Yvette at 705-493-9765

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington St.
North Bay