Community Event - Niagara - Easter Bazaar - St. Columba Church, St. Catharines

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554559200 1554573600

Sat. April 6, 10am-2pm.  7 St. Columba Drive (off Geneva, 1 block N of Linwell). 18+ vendors, meat pies, Easter baskets, baked goods, kids activities, crafts, Rescue dog program. Soup and meat pies served for lunch. Lots of parking.


St. Columba Anglican Church
7, St. Columba Dr.
L2N 3L4
St. Catharines

Community Event - Sarnia - The Lenten Organ series will continue on April 4

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554393600 1554395400

A change has occurred in the schedule for the 10th Annual Lenten Organ Concert at Central United Church, Sarnia.  This Thursday, April 4, Ralph Thorn of Denfield, Ontario, just outside of Strathroy, will perform for the half-hour noon-time concert program.  All are welcome.  A free will donation is appreciated..Central United is located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George Streets.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Petticoat Lane’s 10th Annual Munroe Street Sale!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556285400 1556310600
1556371800 1556397000

Petticoat Lane has been in the same location for 10 years so they’re celebrating with their 10th Annual Munroe Street Sale on Friday April 26th & Saturday April 27th - 50% off everything in the store! 25 Munroe Street, Cobourg (across from No Frills, behind The Beer Store), open 9:30 – 4:30, 905-372-9002, all proceeds support the Northumberland Hills Hospital. 

Petticoat Lane
25 Munroe Street
K9A 1B8

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Petticoat Lane is having an Easter Sale April 18!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555594200 1555619400

What would Easter be without a treasure hunt through Petticoat Lane, you never know what you’ll find! 50% off any item that’s “mostly” purple, pink, or yellow and 50% off all Easter items tax! Petticoat Lane is open Monday to Saturday 9:30-4:30, 25 Munroe Street, Cobourg, 905-372-9002, all proceeds support the Northumberland Hills Hospital.     

Petticoat Lane
25 Munroe Street
K9A 1B8

Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Life After Stroke,Peterborough

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556125200 1556132400

Life After Stroke Peterborough  (a peer support group) meets the 4th
Wednesday of every month from 1-3. PM at Northminster United Church,300
Sunset Blvd (east off Chemong Rd just south of Walmart).  Survivors and
caregivers welcome. Wheelchair accessible but please arrive 15 minutes early
for elevator access.  Light refreshments provided. Next meeting Wed. 24
April  at 1PM.  Please join us.

For more information please call Sandy 705-760-2581 or visit

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Bridgenorth United Best Beef dinner - April 27

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556397000 1556404200

The people of Bridgenorth United Church invite you to their Best Beef Dinner, again providing their traditional hot roast beef dinner with all the trimmings including their famous home made pies. This is an ‘all you can eat’ event for the low price of $18 per adult, $7 for children 5 to 13 years, and free for children 4 and under. Tickets are available at the church or Bell’s Garage on Ward Street in Bridgenorth, or at the door. Reservations may be made by calling 705-292-9601. For those unable to join us at the table, you may take your dinner home in a take-out tray.


Bridgenorth United Church
832 Charles St.
K0L 1H0

Community Event - North Bay - Jam and Wing Night

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555106400 1555124400

Jam session for all jammers.  Wings and Fries available from 6 - 7:00 pm. Cost $12

Corbeil Four Seasons Club
1482 Corbeil. Rd,

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - K of C Good Friday Pickerel Fish Fry

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555705800 1555714800

Pickerel fish fry. Friday April 19. St. Cyril Slovak Centre. Seminole at Chandler. 4:30 - 7:00 pm. $15 per ticket. Limited seating. Reservations suggested. Phone 519-254-8431 for information.

St. Cyril Slovak Centre
1520 Chandler
N8Y 4P7