Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - WomEnchant Chorus & Drummers:THE BEAT GOES ON

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557615600 1557626400

WomEnchant Chorus & Drummers, Laura Thomas, Artistic Director and Laurel Candler, Accompanist, are proud to present our Spring Concert, The Beat Goes On, with a program that showcases WomEnchant's unique vocal and drumming performance. We welcome to the WomEnchant stage Niagara soprano Jocelyn Fralick, winner of the Glenn Gould School's concerto competition and recipient of the Tom Thomas Music Award in February 2018.

Trinity United Church, 100 Main St. West, Grimsby

Tickets $20, Sliding Scale available, 12 & under Free.

Tickets at Trinity United Grimsby 905-945-2249, through and at the door.

Proceeds from this concert make it possible for WomEnchant Chorus & Drummers to continue performing music that promotes peace, social justice and respect for the land, and demonstrates the power of sisterhood and song to make positive changes in our community and beyond.

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Friday Knight Hockey Club 50th Reunion Open House

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557010800 1557032400

50th Anniversary Reunion Open House for all former players of the Friday Knight Hockey Club from St. Clair Beach Arena, Belle River Arena and Tecumseh Arena. May 4 at 7pm at the Clubhouse Bar & Grill, 13127 Tecumseh Rd. E. Door Prizes, Snacks, Cash Bar.

CLUBHOUSE BAR & GRILL (in the Kenney Plaza)
N8N 3T4

Community Event - Kingston - Annual Pancake Supper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554498000 1554505200

Selby-Empey Hill Men's Club will hold their Annual Pancake Supper on Friday, April 5, 2019 from 5-7pm

in the basement of Selby United Church Admission: Adults $ 10.00, Children (under 12) $5.00

For information , call 613 354-9898

Selby United Church
153 Pleasant Drive
K0K 2Z0
Selby, Ontario

Community Event - Kingston - Maple Ridge Women's Institute Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555002000 1555009200

Maple Ridge Women's Institute will meet on Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 1 The Royal Canadian

Legion ( 26 Mill St. E. Napanee) For information, call 613 354-9898

The Royal Canadian Legion
26 Mill St. E
K7R 1H2

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - S.A.F.E Fort Erie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554555600 1554570000

The Fort Erie Fire Department will be launching the door to door smoke alarm program on April 6th during the day.  The fire department will also be out the evening of April 25th.  Teams will be going door to door to educate the public about the importance of having working smoke/carbon monoxide alarms and to ensure they are in the correct location and are not expired.  Help us to keep the homes and people safe in Fort Erie by checking your alarms and making sure that they work.

Community Event - Cornwall - Bishop's House Gala Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555191000 1555207200

Catered stuffed pork loin entrée.  April 13th, 5:30pm.

"Memories of Iona" with guest speaker Allan MacDonald, Archivist 

Tickets available at Auld Kirktown, South Lancaster or from Brenda at 613-931-2022


Char-Lan Recreation Centre
19740 John Street
K0C 2J0

Public Notices/Announcements - Kingston - RETRO KINGS - "Flashback Fridays" - LIVE BAND -

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

Friday April 26, "Matts" Place - 631 Legion, LIVE MUSIC - with "Retro Kings" - Food and beverage specials, NO cover, support the Legion!

Doors open at 6:30 pm, 4035 Bath Rd at Collins Bay, Reserve/Call: 613-389-6605, free pool, fun & friendly!

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - St Giles Thrift Store, Sat April 6 9am to Noon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554555600 1554566400

Find bargains in clothing (all seasons), dishes, household, decorating and entertainment items.
All you can put in a plastic grocery bag ( provided) for $2.  Maximum price for any larger items $2, often less.
Proceeds to Threefold Ministries.

St Giles Presbyterian Church
785 Park St S
K9J 3T6