Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Club C Centre Event at Club Castropignano

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555696800 1555716600


  • At Club Castropignano
  • Presents our Annual
  • Friday April 19, 2019

    Dine-In or Take Out
    Please Call for Reservations 905-384-9292
  • 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm
  • Located off Port Robinson Road
  • 2 minutes from the 406 Merritt Road Exit
  • 5 minutes from Seaway Mall
  • 9 minutes from Pen Center

Community Event - Sarnia - Canadian Cancer Society Volunteers hit the streets

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

Help people see life beyond their cancer diagnosis

At the Canadian Cancer Society, we know that cancer changes people but we believe that a cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to define who they are. The Canadian Cancer Society aims to help people live longer and enhance the quality of life for all of those affected by cancer. We believe that life is bigger than cancer.

With one in two Canadians expected to be diagnosed with cancer, we need your support now more than ever. When you donate you’re helping these people see life beyond their diagnosis so that they can live their lives more fully. 

Funds raised through the Daffodil Campaign are changing lives for the better. Money will go towards funding support services and ground-breaking research such as clinical trials that move research from the lab into people at more than 80 hospitals and cancer centres across the country.

This spring, the Daffodil Campaign is a special opportunity to make a difference. From April 1 to 30 our volunteers will be selling daffodil pins at a variety of retail locations & canvassing for donations in all of Sarnia Lambton.

Donate and support this April to help prove that life is bigger than cancer. Take action now and visit

Canadian Cancer Society
556 Christina St N
N7T 5W6

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Governor Simcoe Secondary School presen...

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554505200 1554514200

Governor Simcoe Secondary School proudly presents our musical production of  "Into The Woods." Please call the school at 905-934-4006 extension 62202 to reserve tickets. April 5th, 6th, 12th, and 13th at 7pm and April 7th at 2pm. Recommended for ages 10+. 

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Music and Poetry celebrating spring

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553918400 1554004800

Celebrate birds, nature and the return of spring with music from the Windsor Symphony Orchestra and readings from poets Kim Fahner, Daniel Lockhart and children's author Werner Zimmermann, courtesy of Biblioasis Books on April 28 at the Capitol Theatre. Tickets are $15. Children welcome. Contact for more information

Capitol Theater
121 University Avenue West
N9A 5P4

Community Event - Kingston - Parkinson Kingston monthly meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554246000 1554253200

Meeting for all those who are affected by Parkinson disease and their family, friends, neighbours & any interested community members.

Ongwanada Resource Centre
191 Porstmouth Avenue
K7M 8A6

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - OA Outremangeurs anonymes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554764400 1554769800
1555369200 1555374600
1556578800 1556584200

Êtes-vous dominé par la nourriture? Mangez-vous quand vous n'avez pas faim? Votre poids affecte-t-il votre façon de vivre votre vie? Oa est un groupe d'entraide, pas de régime ni droit d'entrée.  Tous les lundi à 19h aux Loisirs Christ-Roi, 390, avenue Vaudreuil, St-Hyacinthe J2S 4G7.  Info sans frais: 1-877-509-1939  (Fermé lundi le 22 avril, congé férié)

Loisirs Christ-Roi
390, avenue Vaudreuil

Community Event - Belleville - Leader of the Pack - Eastside Secondary School

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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1559257200 1559264400
1559343600 1559350800
1559430000 1559437200

“Leader of the Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Musical” tells the story of Ellie’s rise to fame as a songwriter who worked closely with Jeff Barry and Phil Spectre to create such toe-tapping tunes as “Chapel of Love,” “River Deep, Mountain High,” and “Da Doo Ron Ron.” Doors open at 6:30pm at ESS, 275 Farley Avenue. Suitable for kids from 7 and up! Students/children $10, Adults $15. Tickets available at Eastside Secondary School, Red Ball Radio or the Quinte Arts Council. For more info call Lise Lindenberg at 613-962-8668.


Eastside Secondary School
275 Farley Avenue
K8N 3M2
Belleville, Ontario