Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Breakfast N Learn by Arnprior Seniors at Home
A social morning, welcoming to all ages over 55, for breakfast and a presentation by Karen DeLuca of the Arnprior Library.
A social morning, welcoming to all ages over 55, for breakfast and a presentation by Karen DeLuca of the Arnprior Library.
Central United Church, Sarnia will be holding its annual Spring Rummage/Garage Sale on April 12 and 13. The sale runs on Friday from 12 noon until 2 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Proceeds from the sale support the church and local charities. Donations of goods can be brought to the church between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday or by calling 519-344-4561. This downtown church is located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George Streets. Items for sale include gently-used spring and summer clothing, dishes and kitchenware, small appliances and pieces of furniture, books, jewelry, toys, tools, sporting goods, collectibles, craft and knitting supplies, plants and containers.
A social afternoon, welcoming to all ages over 60, and those with disabilities or special needs, for a full course meal and entertainment featuring Allan Wright. Thursday April 18th 12-2, tickets $10 by noon April 16th
La Fondation Komutel vous invite à son souper bénéfice pour récolter des fonds afin d’aider à la réalisation de sa mission: “Aider la population locale en cas d’épreuve pour subvenir aux besoins primaires: se loger, se nourrir et se vêtir.”
Le souper spaghetti aura lieu le samedi 27 avril 2019, de 16h30 à 20h, à la salle paroissiale de Saint-Georges Ouest au 200, 18e rue.
Pour acheter vos billets ou pour informations, appelez au 418-225-9988 et demandez à parler à un responsable de la Fondation Komutel ou envoyez un courriel à
Nous aidons régulièrement des personnes que l’on sait en difficulté, et parfois, nous aidons d’autres organismes qui ont les mêmes valeurs que nous. De ce fait, nous nous sommes engagés à aider le Club Inner Wheel à habiller 10 enfants en difficultés de la région avec des vêtements neufs.
Aidez-nous à aider ceux qui en ont besoin.
Membres du comité de la Fondation Komutel
Come out to make your mark on a Matisse inspired artwork to be displayed at The Hub!
5325 County Road 10, Port Hope (Canton) Ontario.
The City of Windsor will begin installing buffered bike lanes on Totten Street between South Cameron Boulevard and Hillcrest Boulevard on April 1.
The contractor for the project expects the work to last until June, but once complete, it will provide a valuable connection between the recently constructed buffered bike lanes on South Cameron Boulevard and the bike lanes on Prince Road, as well as the trail that passes through the South Cameron Woodlot via Randolph Avenue. The painted buffer provides additional separation and comfort between the people on bikes and in vehicles.
Property owners along the route will play an important role in this project. Work done that has any impact on private properties will be repaired to its pre-construction state. The City asks that residents keep collection days in mind during construction and follow the instructions on the Project Notification Letter to help ensure no containers go missing.
Drivers travelling through or within the construction zone are reminded to do their part to make sure everyone goes home safely: reduce your speed, follow the signage and respect the flag persons when present.
This bike lane project will include widening the existing pavement to add a buffered bike lane in each direction. Roadside drainage has also been taken into consideration and incorporated into the design.
For more information on cycling in Windsor visit or call 311 .
Le Club social le Salaberry vous invite à son souper-danse, le samedi 13 avril à la salle des Mooses avec la musique d'André Primeau. Avec un minimum de six personnes, une table vous sera réservée à la condition que vos billets soient payés à l'avance. INFO : Suzanne 450 371-7819 ou Fernande 450 377-1887
Bienvenue à tous!