Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Traitors, Spies & Heroes: Loyalist Espionage

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1558481400 1558488600

Traitors, Spies & Heroes:  Loyalist Espionage during the American Revolution - Learn how seemingly normal American men and women who were "Agents for Secret Service" during the American Revolution, hid their secret lives of intrigue and danger, and how they were rewarded for their loyalty by being given land in Canada.

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Ateliers

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

Nous offrons des ateliers de Mandala anti-stress, Falun Dafa (exercices doux et méditation), café rencontre LSQ (langue des signes québécoise) et broderie sur cartes avec thématique. Nos ateliers sont ouverts à tous! Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez nous contacter au: (450) 377-5941 ou par Facebook : ADSMQ secteur Sud-Ouest.

ADSMQ secteur Sud-Ouest
J6S 3L9

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Kingsville Community Centre Open House - April 16

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555419600 1555473600

Come celebrate Kingsville Community Centre's 3rd Anniversary & Open House on Tuesday, April 16, from 9 am to noon.

There will be a Health Expo featuring our Community Partners, Centre tours, Volunteer Award presentation and free cake and refreshments.

Kingsville Community Centre is serving vital needs in the town of Kingsville and surrounding communities. The Centre has experienced continued growth since it's beginning. In 2018, our programs were accessed over 8,900 times by Essex County residents.

At KCC, we bring people together by networking with local agencies in Windsor and Essex County to provide much needed health, social and educational programs to the town of Kingsville and surrounding communities. Currently, we have 15 community partners that provide in excess of 30 programs at no cost.

No cost to attend. Free parking. Gift raffles.

Kingsville Community Centre
1860 Division Rd N
N9Y 2Z1
Kingsville, ON

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - BEEginner Beekeeper Workshop - Intro To Beekeeping

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554566400 1554573600

Join us at BLB Honey on April 6, noon-2pm for an introductory workshop on beekeeping. Geared towards beginners, or those who are considering starting their own hive. Topics will include: What is Beekeeping in Ontario?, Basic Honeybee Anatomy & Colony Organization, How to Acquire Bees, Beekeeper Safety Considerations, Tools & Equipment, and Harvesting Honey & Beeswax.

Register by purchasing online at OR stop in the store to register and pay in person BLB Honey & Beekeeping Supplies 102 Metcalfe Ave, Dresden, Ontario N0P1M0

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Business After Hours Wallaceburg

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555621200 1555628400

Thursday April 18th, 5-7pm at the Sydenham Community Curling Club, 7379 North River Line, Wallaceburg. This is a great event for networking your business, meeting new people or just having fun and hanging out with friends. There are also refreshments/Door prizes....

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Senior Healthcare Job Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557856800 1557871200

Are you looking for a career in the Senior Healthcare field? Are you a PSW, nurse, Recreational Therapist or have an administrative background?

Join the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 from 2pm-6pm, at Studio One (The Cultural Centre ) and meet with 10+ senior healthcare employers who are currently recruiting positions.

Register for this free event through eventbrite to receive updates on employers and positions.

Need an updated resume? Visit the Employment Resource Centre located at 240 King St W and ask a staff member for assistance.



Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Simply Queen

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556409600 1556420400

A fundraiser for the Children's Treatment Centre and Foundation of Chatham-Kent's Capital Campaign

Guaranteed to blow your mind! You won't want to miss Canada's #1 Queen tribute performing all of the iconic songs that made Queen one of the most legendary rock bands of all time. With attention to detail, Simply Queen faithfully recreates the grand scope of Queen's live shows, both musically and visually, capturing the amazing live Queen experience that filled stadiums around the world.

April 27th at the Chatham Capitol Theatre.



Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Concert du choeur Allegri

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556062200 1556065800

Le chœur Allegri du Cégep de Drummondville présentera son concert annuel le mardi 23 avril prochain, dès 19 h 30, à la salle Georges-Dor de l’établissement. Le grand maître Georg Friedrich Haendel sera particulièrement à l’honneur lors de cette soirée qui promet de purs instants de bonheur.

Cégep de Drummondville
960, rue Saint-Georges
J2C 6A2

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Movie Night: The Vanishing (2019)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554678000 1554685200

April 10th, 7pm at the Chatham Capitol Theatre

$5 cash at the door or flash your pass!

Rated: R

Length: 109 minutes

Gerard Butler (Hunter Killer) and Peter Mullan ("Ozark") star in this tense, action-packed thriller based on true events. After three lighthouse keepers arrive for work on a remote Scottish isle, they make a fateful discovery: a wrecked rowboat-with a chest full of gold. As a mysterious boat heads toward the island, the three men make a choice that will change their lives forever, ensnaring them in a web of greed, paranoia, and murder.