Community Event - North Bay - Maamwi Kindaaswin Pow Wow - June 8th & June 9th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

June 8th & June 9th

Lee Park, 800 Memorial Drive


GRAND ENTRYSaturday at Noon & 7:00 pm

GRAND ENTRYSunday at Noon

SUNRISE CEREMONY – 4:45 am (Both Days)

HOST DRUM – High Ridge

POW WOW CONTACT:  Jennifer Sequin (705) 472-2811 ext. 222


Lee Park
800 Memorial Drive
P1B 8G5
North Bay

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - 11e Festival de l'accordéon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555128000 1555214340
1555214400 1555300740

Samedi 13 avril :12h30 accueil et inscription,13h30: prestations des participants musiciens amateurs accordéon,violon, harmonica, chanteurs.

17h30 souper suivi du spectacle de l'A.A.R.D. sous la direction de Gino Lavoie.

Dimanche 9h :accueil et réservation pour repas; jam: violon accordéon et harmonica; prestation d'accordéonistes professionnels;

11h30 Diner: buffet sous la musique de l'harmoniciste Marcel Marier et l'accordéoniste Thérèse Ouellette

13h Prestation d'accordéonistes professionnels suivi du spectacle de l'A.A.R.D. direction Gino Lavoie

17h souper spaghetti ; 18h30 d'autres prestations d'accordéonistes professionnels et la soirée se termine avec les Débrouillards : (accordéons et chansons)

Église de Saint-Marcel
126, de l'Église
J0H 1T0
Saint-Marcel-de-Richelieu, Québec

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - The Enforcers Dance

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556409600 1556427600

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes- Halliburton presents, The Enforcers' Spring Dance, April 27th, 2019, at The Armoury.

It is time to mark your calendar so you will be there with us.  Over the last 10 years, The Enforcers and those in attendance, have built this evening into one of the top social events of the year.  The band plays the style of music that will get you on the dance floor from the first song they play until the end of the show.  Everyone has a lot of fun and the dance floor is full.

This special evening is taking place on Saturday April 27, 2019 at the Victoria Park Armoury 210 Kent St. West in Lindsay at 8:00 pm. Tickets are $15 each and are available at the Big Brother Big Sister office, A Buy & Sell Shop and Boiling Over’s Coffee Vault during the preceding weeks of the Dance.  Everyone who attends will have a chance to win a door prize donated by wonderful, local supporters of the evening.

Doug Saunders of The Enforcers says, “We always look forward to sharing the vibration of the music so many of the attendees grew up with.  We are a blues based band who cover the originals of the genre like Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Hound Taylor and on to Jimi Hendrix, Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughn. The slide style of George Thorogood also finds its way in. We change it up with some Bob Marley reggae, Motown and familiar Rhythm ’n Blues and Boogie songs. Because we all love playing music together, the atmosphere from stage is fun for those who simply enjoy watching a concert.” Food will be available through a food vendor; Sugar & Spice Catering is coming back to prepare a variety of items for people to purchase.

All proceeds from the event will stay in our community which helps Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes-Haliburton address the ongoing funding challenges the organization has in providing mentoring programs.  This support allows children and youth, who can benefit from a friendship with a caring adult mentor, the opportunity to access these valuable programs.   For more information on this dance please contact Big Brothers Big Sisters at 705-324-6800.

Victoria Park Armoury
210 Kent St. West
K9V 2Y8

Public Notices/Announcements - Cobourg/Port Hope - Architectural Gems of East Northumberland

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560002400 1560024000

Media Release for Architectural Gems of East Northumberland

ACO Cobourg & East Northumberland is excited to present a house tour of 8 splendid properties in Brighton, Colborne and Grafton. This house tour is on Sat. June 8, 2019 from 10am to 4pm. The homes range in age from 1819 to the 2000’s. All have unique architectural features and interior design. Tickets, which will be available in early April are $30.00 and can be purchased from Lighthouse Books in Brighton, Downey Pharmacy in Colborne, 1812 Antiques in Grafton, Acanthus Interiors in Port Hope, Holton Flowers in Port Hope and Quinn’s Blooms in Cobourg or by calling 289-435-2015 or email to

ACO Cobourg & East Northumberland’s second house tour is a first in presenting homes in East Northumberland since Cobourg merged with East Northumberland in 2014. Our branch is opening Barnum House for this event along with 6 homes and one church. Individuals who buy a ticket will receive a brochure with a map and the addresses, pertinent architectural information and history of each of the properties.

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Cancer Benefit Dance for Jean-Guy Levesque

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555200000 1555214400

Date: Saturday, April 13th, 2019 starting at 8:00 pm to 12:00 am

BAND: The Heart Breakers $5.00 per person. Light lunch will be served.  Door prizes, spot dances and lots more. Come out and join us for an evening of fun. For tickets contact Denise at 613-281-1177, Shirley at 613-732-0448 or Jennifer at 613-735-2562

Tickets will be available at the door. Knights of Columbus Hall.

Knights of Columbus Hall
170 Ellis Avenue
K8A 1G5
Pembroke On

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Spring Rummage Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556973000 1556983800

Saint Lawrence Anglican Church 

Saturday May 4, 2019, 8:30 - 11:30 am

Spring and Summer Clothing, Small Household items, Books, Games, Miscellaneous items.

Something for everyone,

Please bring your own reusable bag for your purchases 

Saint Lawrence Anglican Church
80 Pine St.,

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - April is “Dig Safe” month

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

The financial burden of damage to underground infrastructures in Ontario is estimated at over $667 million in 2018 with 5,042 reported incidents. No matter how small or shallow the digging is, Ontario homeowners eager to start landscaping and outdoor renovation projects are urged to Call or Click Before You Dig as part of “Dig Safe” month this April.

“Whether you do it yourself or hire a contractor, if you dig, no matter how big, always contact Ontario One Call,” says Ian Simpson, Director of Education, Marketing and Compliance. “Underground infrastructure is often buried just under the surface. Whether you’re building a fence or a deck, digging a pool or planting a tree, be safe. One click or call gives you the peace of mind knowing you are protecting your home, family and neighbourhood.”

Safe digging is serious business. Homeowners should be aware that even a familiar site may be unsafe to dig due to construction alterations, relocations, additions, and natural erosion. Never assume it is safe to dig - there could be gas lines, electricity cables and water lines just below the ground. If someone hits underground cables or pipes there could be serious fire and safety hazards potentially involving police and the fire department.

By law, every Ontario homeowner, or their contractor, must contact Ontario One Call, before they dig. This process prevents damage to buried cables or utility pipes and the loss of essential services.

Ontario One Call is a free service … call 1-800-400-2255 or click

Once a request is made, Ontario One Call notifies infrastructure companies to visit the property within five business days to mark (locate) underground cables or pipes in the vicinity of the planned dig. Digging without locates is an expensive and dangerous problem in Ontario. There are millions of dollars in damages that are completely avoidable.

Those who do not contact Ontario One Call and damage underground infrastructure could be held liable for damages. For contractors, charges and fines can also follow under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Despite these penalties, 2018 had 5,042 reported damages to underground cables or pipes. Thirty-six per cent of all reported damage in Ontario is caused because a locate was not requested*.

Next time Ontarians visit a Home Depot Tool Rental, Sheridan Nurseries, Garden Gallery or Connon Nurseries location they’re encouraged to pick up a brochure to learn more about Ontario One Call and how easy it is to request a locate.