Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Public Hike on Millbrook Valley Trails

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556416800 1556467200


The Kawartha Hiking Club in partnership with Wildrock Outfitters invite the public to join them in a hike along the Millbrook Valley Trails on Saturday, April 27, 2019.  The hike will start at 4 Needlers Lane in Millbrook by the Millbrook Arena.  There will be hikes of 5 and 9 km in length.  The hikes will be at a leisurely pace and led by hike leaders from the Kawartha Hiking Club.  The hikes start at 10:00 am but please arrive 10 minutes early.  Wear sturdy walking shoes and bring snacks and water. 

Millbrook Valley Trails
4 Needlers Lane
L0A 1G0

Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Grace United Church Honduras Lunch & Learn

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554654600 1554661800

Join us Sunday April 7th 2019 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm in the Church lower hall for Lunch and Learn all about our November 2019 trip to Honduras. Grace United church is located at 581 Howden Street Peterborough - across from Kenner Collegiate. Information packages will be available, hear from a first time Brigadier about their experiences, watch a short video from last year and get all your questions answered. We welcome all past Brigadiers and new folks looking for an opportunity to try something new where they'll interact with Children, visit rural mountain schools with supplies, get your hands dirty and make new friendships.


Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Rain Barrel Fundraiser May 11 for Monarch Garden

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557579600 1557604800

REAL will be hosting a rain barrel fundraiser to raise funds for a Monarch Butterfly Garden it is planning.

Rain barrels are a great way to save water and benefit your plants. 

Rain barrels provide a free source of water that is ideal for vegetables, trees, and plants because it does not contain fluoride and chlorine, which are added to many municipal water systems. They enable residents to collect water through the rainy season for use during dry summer months. When outdoor water restrictions are in place, water from a rain barrel can be used to wash vehicles and water lawns. Having a source of stored water can be beneficial if an emergency ever arises.  Rainwater also has the benefit of being a similar temperature as the air, and does not shock plants’ roots like tap water does.

REAL is partnering with for this sale. reclaims food grade barrels and repurposes them as rain barrels. Once used to transport fruits and vegetables, they now offer years of reliable service as rain barrels. Partnering with various non-profit organizations, helps stage truckload fundraisers in communities across Canada.

Each rain barrel includes a leaf and mosquito filter basket, an overflow adaptor, a spigot and an overflow hose.  Gardeners have their choice of blue, black, grey or terracotta barrels, subject to availability.  Rain barrels are $55 each and can be pre-ordered  and paid for online at   Pre-ordered rain barrels will be available for pick up on Saturday, May 11 at the REAL Deal Store, 85 William St. W., Smiths Falls from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Please order by May 1 to ensure you rain barrel arrives by May 11.

REAL will receive $10 from every rain barrel sold; and $2 from each downspout diverter, stand or flower pot sold.  Proceeds will support the monarch butterfly garden being planted on the REAL Deal site this summer  in honour of REAL’s 30th anniversary this year.   Watch for photos are the project develops!

For more information email REAL at, or call Barb at (613) 283-9966.   Specific product questions should be directed to

REAL Deal Reuse Store
85 William St. W.
K7A 5A5
Smiths Falls ON

Public Notices/Announcements - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Pitch In Smiths Falls April 20 - May 5

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555732800 1555819140

Join with other residents, groups, schools, businesses to clean up litter during this annual two week event.  Pick up your supplies at the REAL Deal Reuse Store, 85 William St. W. Smiths Falls starting April 11.  Clean up wherever you can!  Store open Thurs - Sat 10 - 4.  See our website for more: 

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Navistar Banquet April 26 - Polish Cdn Club $25

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553486400 1553572740

Navistar  Banquet April 26 -  Polish Cdn Club  $25. 
Open to all prev employees -open 5 dinner 6:30-281 Inshes Ave.   By 4/17 Cy Addley 25 Wilson Ave Chatham On N7L1K8 employee only.  Incl name phone nbr chq "Navistar 15 Year Banquet Committee"