Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Bluegrass Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556406000 1556418600

Essx-Kent Bluegrass, Oldtime & Folk Music Association  

SIDELINE from North Carolina

      In Concert

At the McGregor Columbian Club (9560 Walker Road)

Saturday April 27, 2019 at 7:00 pm

Tickets: $20.00 advance; $25.00 at the door

Opening Band – Winterline

Ticket Coordinator:
Stan Sullivan, Kingsville ~ 519-733-2934

Area Ticket Outlets:

Belle River 727-5439 ~ Chatham 352-9534  ~ Harrow 738-4207

Windsor 254-9620 ~ Woodslee 975-2792


Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Area Youth Dart League Pasta Fundraiser

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555178400 1555236000

All You Can Eat Pasta Fundraiser - Helping support players who have qualified for the Royal Canadian Legion Provincial Championships being held in Owen Sound this year. Saturday, April 13 from 2-6pm. $15.00 per dinner. Contact anyone of our players or myself, Matt Campbell at 519-259-2769 or by email at 

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Club marche Promenades DRMVL

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554294600 1554297300

Déjeune-conférence de Mme. Danielle Ménard, porte-parole du PROGRAMME P.A.I.R.

Ce programme fût créé pour offrir de la sécurité aux personnes seules ou en perte d'autonomie.

L'activité se tiendra au mail central des Promenades Drummondville

Bienvenue à toutes et tous

Club de Marche les Promenades Drummondville
755 boulevard René Lévesque
J2C 6Y7