Saturday, April 27th Quinte Society for Chamber Music presents something for classical music lovers, classical musicophiles and yes, even classical music avoiders. “Between Friends !!, Two Oaks Entwined” will feature cellist Amahl Arulanandam and pianist Petya Stavreva who will shine the spotlight on the music of Beethoven, Britten and Shostakovich as well as music by Canadian composers Ann Southam and Patricia Holt.
The beauty of Quinte Society for Chamber Music events is that not only do you get to hear outstanding musicians playing almost within arm’s reach of all but there will also be an after-party where you will be able to enjoy refreshments and conversation with Amahl and Petya.
Pianist Petya Stavreva has been touted by internationally renowned Baritone Peter McGillivray as “a sparkling, virtuosic pianist and sensitive collaborator. A complete command of her craft allows for true artistic partnership with her fellow musicians. She is an utter joy to perform alongside.”
Cellist Amahl Arulanandam recently performing in his cello duo, VC2, won this response: "VC2 flabbergasted. Yes, that still happens to people…"
Tickets are only $15 subsidized by the generosity of local donors and a grant from the Ontario Arts Council, agency of the Government of Ontario for funding. Available online at, Stirling Home Hardware and at the door. Free parking!
Additional Events include:
Friday April 26 at 5:00PM - Master Classes for Strings (Amahl at St. John's Anglican) and for Piano (Petya at St. Paul's United Church). Music students and the general public are encouraged to attend. Open to the public / no charge for auditing.
Saturday April 27 at 2:00PM - "It Starts Here" family event for adults and children. This event includes a segment of adult programming while children go to enjoy on-site supervised play time. No admission. Free will donations gratefully accepted.