Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - The Cleanse presents Refresh - May 9, 5-9pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557435600 1557450000

Refresh is a moment to commit to yourself and your health. This year, the focus if Making Peace With Your Mind. Local expert, Stephanie John, MT, OCT, BA will help guide you.

Attendees will be emailed Mood Lifting Recipes and have the opportunity to meet local businesses that offer services and products addressing mental health, positive body image, mindful living, community connection and being kind to yourself and the world we share.

May 9, 5-9pm at the WFCU Centre. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door

Interested in exhibiting? Email

Proceeds support the Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch's Sole Focus Project.

WFCU Centre
8787 McHugh St.

Community Event - Belleville - Spring Celebration Concert - "Pay What You Can"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554591600 1554597000

Andre Knevel and Liselotte Rotyka, organ and pan flute duo, will headline this Spring Celebration Concert at Bridge Street United Church, Saturday, April 6, 7 p.m.  Special guests include Command Performance Choir from Prince Edward County, Melodie Liu (soprano), Jeanette Huang and Patricia Ross (violin and piano duet), Jamie York on bagpipes and a massed choir of  singers from several local church and community choirs.  A "pay what you can" offering will be taken to support Bridge St. Church's upcoming series of concerts.

Bridge St. United Church
60 Bridge Street East
K8N 1L7

Public Notices/Announcements - Belleville - Between Friends II "Two Oaks Entwined" Stirling

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
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1556388000 1556391600
1556407800 1556415000

Saturday, April 27th Quinte Society for Chamber Music presents something for classical music lovers, classical musicophiles and yes, even classical music avoiders.   “Between Friends !!, Two Oaks Entwined” will feature cellist Amahl Arulanandam and pianist Petya Stavreva who will shine the spotlight on the music of Beethoven, Britten and Shostakovich as well as music by Canadian composers Ann Southam and Patricia Holt.

The beauty of Quinte Society for Chamber Music events is that not only do you get to hear outstanding musicians playing almost within arm’s reach of all but there will also be an after-party where you will be able to enjoy refreshments and conversation with Amahl and Petya.

Pianist Petya Stavreva has been touted by internationally renowned Baritone Peter McGillivray  as “a sparkling, virtuosic pianist and sensitive collaborator. A complete command of her craft allows for true artistic partnership with her fellow musicians. She is an utter joy to perform alongside.”   

Cellist Amahl Arulanandam recently performing in his  cello duo, VC2, won this response:  "VC2  flabbergasted. Yes, that still happens to people…"

Tickets are only $15 subsidized by the generosity of local donors and a grant from the Ontario Arts Council, agency of the Government of Ontario for funding. Available online at, Stirling Home Hardware and at the door.  Free parking!

Additional Events include:

Friday April 26 at 5:00PM - Master Classes for Strings (Amahl at St. John's Anglican) and for Piano (Petya at St. Paul's United Church).  Music students and the general public are encouraged to attend.   Open to the public / no charge for auditing.  

Saturday April 27 at 2:00PM  - "It Starts Here" family event for adults and children.  This event includes a segment of  adult programming while children go to enjoy on-site supervised play time.   No admission.  Free will donations gratefully accepted.

Community Event - Belleville - Quinte Community Development Council Diaper Drive

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554903000 1554933600

The Good Baby Box allows families to access staple items for their child with 40-45% savings. CDC is not government funded. A case of diapers costs $32.75. This year our goal is to raise 16,500 and helps 1900 children in Hastings/Prince Edward county.

Community Development Council
65 Station St.

Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - International Autism Awareness Day - April 2

Submitted by mtendoeschate-00 on
1554246000 1554253200

Tuesday, April 2 at 7:00pm at Beth Israel Synagogue, 775 Weller Street, Peterborough.  

International Autism Awareness Day

Come and hear first hand the experiences that Joe Teichman had to go through moving from Toronto to Kamloops, British Columbia to get his son enrolled in what at the teim were the best services available for kids with A.S.D.  He will share the success his on had being enrolled full-time in a stand-alone centre dedicated to schooling kids ages 5-12 diagnosed with Autism.

Addtional Speakers:

Wanda Carisse, Executive Director of the 'Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism"

Joanne Scott-Jackso, Director of Development 'Giant Stpes York Region'

For further information, contact 705-313-1247

Admission and parking are free.

Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Monthly Meeting of Peterborough Astronomical Assoc

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554501600 1554514200

The Peterborough Astronomical Association will hold its regular monthly meeting, which take place on the first Friday of the month, on April 5th. The meeting location is the Rotary Education Centre/Guest Services Building, Riverview Park Zoo, Peterborough.The PAA is again presenting the  “Novice Astronomy Classes”.  This year the classes are focused on the practical aspects of learning astronomy. They will introduce you to equipment, software and many other astronomy related subjects at a very basic level.  You will get hands on with equipment and learn to use it and other tools of astronomy. 

This month's session will be presented by members, Dixie Shilling and Rick Stankiewicz and . Later in the season, we will have a self-paced course on Viewing the Moon. Those interested, should be at the above mentioned meeting location by 6:00 p.m. The classes will run 45 minutes each session, before our regular meetings. Before the main presentation, we will look at the “Sky This Month”. Be informed about the locations of the planets of the solar system and what is happening in the sky above us for the month to come.

Our presentation for March will start shortly after 7:00 p.m. and features club President, David Mills, doing a presentation entitled “Spring in to Astronomy with the Deep Sky”. This will take everyone on a guided tour of the major constellations from west to east. Constellations will include Monoceros, Virgo, Coma Berenices,  Sagitta, Aquila, Cygnus and Hercules.  David will be looking at New General Catalog (NGC) and Messier Objects in those  constellations, as they rise during the nights of April through May. Come and learn about the night sky and the wonders it has to offer this time of year. The price is right…it costs you nothing but your time.

There will also be the usual opportunities to come and check out the PAA and all it has to offer, also at no cost. This is an all ages meeting and  the venue is barrier free. Also, you don’t need a telescope to belong, but a curious mind helps.