Community Event - Sarnia - PA DAY at Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554462000 1554501600

PA Day PJ Party with The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton

Friday, April. 5, 2019
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Ages 6-12
Cost: $25.00 (includes lunch)

*Come in your favourite PJ's and bring a stuffed animal!*
Movies, crafts, air hockey, board games, computers, billiards, crafts.

New members must register by April 4, 2019. Registration forms can be found on

The Boys and Girls Club of Sarnia-Lambton
180 College Ave. North
N7T 7X2

Community Event - Kingston - Chili CookOff & Pie Contest, Gan & District Humane

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554562800 1554577200

The Chili Cook-Off makes a huge lunch but please leave room for pie! On Sat. April 6 at the Lansdowne Community Building from 11 am to 3 pm. Free general admission. Music by Andrew & Aaron Ray. Licensed. Silent Auction. 

Chili tasting & voting tickets: Adults $10, Kids 12 & under $5. To register your chili please text or call Helen, 613-585-6586, We are thankful for your awesome chilis!

Pie Contest: Awards for Best Apple, Lemon Meringue, Pecan and Banana Cream. Please bring your pie to the hall by noon. To be judged by a small panel. We really need pies for our bake table too!  For dessert or to take home. Any kind of pie you like! We'd be so grateful!

All funds raised go straight to feeding and animal care at our no-kill shelter serving Gananoque and Township Leeds & 1000 Islands.


Lansdowne Community Bldg
1 Jessie St.

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Jamie Bramburger Talk and Hockey Book Signing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554937200 1554944400

Jamie Bramburger talk and book signing about his new book Go Kings Go!  A Century of Pembroke Lumber Kings Hockey.  A free will offering will be collected in support of Calvin united Church.  Wednesday April 10th at 7 pm at Calvin 
United Church 276 Church St. Pembroke.

Calvin United Church
276 Church St.
K8A 4L2

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - St Cyril's Slovak Centre Easter Pop-up Bazaar

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555248600 1555268400

Hop on over to St Cyril Slovack  Center 1520 Chandler Rd @Seminole    Sunday April 14th from 9:30 till 3pm.

Great opportunity to pick up some last minute Easter gifts and treats.  Over 40 vendors including local small business owners and unique local Artisans being showcased. There will be something for everyone...crafts,jewerly ,health and beauty, home goods ,baked goods.. Refreshments and light lunch available . Check us out on Facebook 

Free admission and plenty of free parking !! 

Community Event - Niagara - The 4th Annual Garage Sale at the Gale June 22nd

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1561204800 1561219200

The City of Niagara Falls Recreation Committee will be hosting the City's fourth annual Garage Sale at the Gale to benefit the Activity Subsidy Fund. The sale takes place rain or shine, Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, in the parking lot at the Gale Centre. Registration for vendors opens on April 1st.

Gale Centre
5152 Thorold Stone Rd
L2E 0A2
Niagara Falls

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Marché aux puces

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555160400 1555178400

Le Centre Loisir Multi-Plus est heureux de vous inviter à son premier marché aux puces « Vendez au suivant », au profit du programme Accès-Loisir qui offre des loisirs aux personnes moins bien nanties.

L'événement aura lieu le samedi 13 avril, de 9h à 16h, 3730, Jacques-de-Labadie, Trois-Rivières.

Centre Loisir Multi-Plus
3730, Jacques-de-Labadie
G8Y 5K7