Community Event - Niagara - Choralis Camerata presents: Schubert and Vivaldi

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554058800 1554066000

Niagara-based chamber choir Choralis Camerata is set to deliver a dose of joy and spirituality to its audience as it presents Franz Schubert’s Mass in G and Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria later this month.

The choir’s annual spring concert will be hosted at St. Andrew’s United Church (5645 Morrison St.) in Niagara Falls on Sunday, March 31 at 3 p.m.

Tickets are $28 per person ($25 for seniors and $12 for students) and are available online at, by calling 905-646-9225, by speaking with members of the choir, or at the door.

St. Andrew's United Church
5645 Morrison St.
L2E 2E8
Niagara Falls

Community Event - Niagara - 57th Niagara Regional Science Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554051600 1554058800

On Saturday, March 30th and Sunday, March 31st, over 200 students from across Niagara will be at Brock University (Pond Inlet) displaying their science and engineering projects as part of the 57th annual Niagara Regional Science and Engineering Fair. Over 100 volunteer judges comprised of local scientists, engineers and business professionals will judge the projects on Saturday March 30th with a Community Open House taking place on Sunday March 31st from 1:00pm until 3:00pm.

The topics of the projects being displayed are as diverse as the students who have researched them. Projects are presented in both English and French and represent the work of students from grade 5 through to grade 12. Titles this year include:

“Solar Speedway”– Grade 6 (Juvenile)

“OOPS…I Wet My Plants” – Grade 8 (Junior)

“Berrytricity: Enhancing Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance Using Rotten Blueberry Extracts” – Grade 9 (Intermediate)

“Mobile Technology and Triangular Health” – Grade 12 (Senior)

Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Wednesday April 3rd at St. Catharines Collegiate in St. Catharines from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.  Top awarded students will take their projects to compete at the 58th Canada Wide Science Fair in Fredericton, New Brunswick in May.

Brock University - Pond Inlet
1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
L2S 3A1
St. Catharines

Community Event - Niagara - Giant Library Book Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553522400 1553558400

Mon. March 25-Sat. March 30th open during library hours. Come to the Pelham Library in Fonthill at 43 Pelham Town Square & find books, DVD'S, puzzles & more at great prices! Sat. March 30th from 1-5 fill a plastic grocery bag for $2.00! For info call: 905-892-6443 or visit:

Pelham Public Library Fonthill Branch
43 Pelham Town Square
L0S 1E0

Community Event - Belleville - St. Thomas' Anglican Stitchers Artisan Display

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556906400 1556920800
1556978400 1556992800

St. Thomas’ Anglican Church Stitchers Artisan Display

Friday May 3rd, 2:00 – 6:00pm and Saturday May 4th, 10:00am – 2:00pm

201 Church St. Belleville K8N 5P2    Admission $2.00

Join us as we display beautifully handcrafted items in the pews of our sanctuary. An Artisan Market Place will be available, as well as a refreshment area for you to enjoy. The display will feature the work of Canadian Quilters’ Association’s Youth Challenge participants from the Quinte Area.

Raffle tickets on a beautifully handcrafted quilt will be available, with the draw taking place at 2:00pm on Saturday May 4th.   Tickets are $3. Each or 2 for $5.00

St. Thomas' Anglican Church
201 Church St.
K8N 5P2

Community Event - Niagara - Judy’s Junk Lawn Sale for Hydrocephalus Canada

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1557579600 1557590400

This is my 6th year having a fundraiser for Hydrocephalus Canada. It always is held around the date I had my brain surgery (May 13th 2013). We have books, toys, games, clothes etc. Rain or shine. No early birds. Free info brochures, and bookmarks about hydrocephalus are available.

My home
36 Jefferson Court West
L3C7G5 Judy’s Judy

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Ateliers sur la mémoire

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556026200 1556035200

Les ateliers Musclez vos méninges s'adressent aux aînés qui vivent un vieillissement normal. Une foule de sujets intéressants sont traités : le lien entre le stress et la mémoire, comment se rappeler des noms, mieux utiliser sa créativité. Les mardis du 23 avril au 25 juin de 9 h 30 à midi. Inscription gratuite : 450 373-2111. 

Centre d'action bénévole de Valleyfield
95, rue Salaberry
J6T 2H5

Community Event - Belleville - Evening Coffee House

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555450200 1555457400

April is National Poetry Month, and to celebrate the Belleville Public Library will be a holding an Evening Coffee House on Tues. April 16 with performances from 6-7:30. Come for 5:30 to sign up for a 5 minute set to recite original poetry, or bring your acoustic guitar to play an original song (first come, first served). We will also be featuring the poet Heather Cadsby courtesy of the League of Canadian Poets and Canada Council for the Arts. Come out for an evening of great entertainment, or show off your poetry and music skills! Ages 16+.

For more information call 613-968-6731 x2037.  

Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle St.,
K8N 3B1

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - City of St. Catharines April Pool's Day Event

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554570000 1554577200
Swimming is a life skill. The Lifesaving Society and the City of St. Catharines are encouraging you to be water smart and help prevent drowning! Come in from 1pm - 3pm to practice your swimming during our leisure swim or brush up on your water safety knowledge and skills through fun activities. LEISURE SWIM 1pm - 3pm Minimum donation of $1 to the Lifesaving Society Drowning Prevention Campaign.

Community Event - Belleville - 51st Annual Quinte Rotary Music Festival

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554724800 1554760800
1554811200 1554847200
1554897600 1554933600
1554984000 1555020000
1555070400 1555106400
1555200000 1555257600
1556143200 1556157600

51st annual Quinte Rotary Music Festival takes place April 8-13, 2019 at Eastminster United Church, St. Matthew’s United Church and the Salvation Army Church.  The Concert of the Stars will be held April 24.  All events are free, donations are appreciated.  Please see for more information.  A partnership between the Rotary Clubs of Belleville, Trenton and Quinte Sunrise, the festival creates a platform to showcase the musical talents of the youth in our community.

Eastminster, St Matthew's, United and Salvation Army Churches
K8N 5A2

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - 12th Annual Ladies Night Out FUN-raiser!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1556834400 1556848800

12th Annual Ladies Night Out FUN-raiser May 2 from 6pm to 10pm, an evening of shopping, dinner, raffles, silent auction, live music by the Johnny Chimpo Band at the Croatian National Home in Welland, $45/ticket or $425 table of 10, in support of Welland Multicultural Centre.


Please note I'm not sure how long we can put the event on for so I chose 2 weeks because I think that's what it used to be.