Community Event - Cornwall - Child Haven Annual Dinner, Auction and Bazaar

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554501600 1554512400

Child Haven's annual charity dinner to raise funds to support 8 children's homes in India, Nepal, Tibet  and Bangladesh.

Vegetarian gourmet dinner, silent and live auctions and bazaar are featured, with a report on Child Haven homes. MCs are Bernadette Clement and Tran Cappuccino.

Bonnie & Fred Cappuccino and Dr. Nat Shah presiding.

Ramada Inn & conference Centre
805 Brookdale Avenue
K6J 4P3

Public Notices/Announcements - Brockville/Prescott - Friends of the Brockville Museum Annual Book Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552968000 1553054340

The Annual Booksale is scheduled for April 8th to April 12th, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  As usual, members of the Friends of the Brockville Museum have an opportunity to purchase books from noon on April 5th until 4:30 p.m.

The sale will be at the Brockville Museum, 5 Henry Street, Brockville, Ontario.  Members of the Public wishing to donate books may drop them off at the Museum.  If you have boxes for sorting, they too would be gratefully accepted.

Funds raised by the Friends of the Brockville Museum are used to support the operations and exhibits of the Museum.  Past funds raised contributed to the current Travelling Trunk Exhibit, a must see at the Brockville Museum.

Community Event - Niagara - Spring Easter Bazaar

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554559200 1554570000

@ St. Mary's  Ukrainian Catholic Church (6248 Main St., Niagara Falls, Ontario) Sat, Apr 6 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.  Delicious cabbage rolls, perogies, pies, and baked goods for sale.  Lots of interesting things to buy.  Admission fee $3 covers a hot drink (tea or coffee) and pastry treats.  Further information is available by calling 905 354 7876. Vendor tables available - call Doreen @ 905-356-8679

St. Mary'a Ukrainian Catholic Church Hall
6248 Main St.,
L2G 6A4
Niagara Falls, Ontario

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Messe thématiques

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553976900 1553981400
1554038100 1554042600

Le samedi 30 mars à 16h15 à l'église Assomption et le dimanche 31 mars à 9h15 à l'église Ste-Rosalie.

L'équipe de la messe thématique vous a préparé une célébration spéciale sous le thème de "L'accueil". Ce dimanche, c'est le retour de l'enfant prodigue que son père accueille avec une grande joie!  Lors de cette célébration, nous accueillerons plusieurs jeunes qui auront le privilège de recevoir le sacrement de la Première Eucharistie (Première communion).

Vous serez accueillis en musique, chants et diaporama présenté sur télé numérique, par nos musiciens Anny Martin et Aurèle Fredette.  La chorale de l'église Ste-Rosalie se joindra à eux le dimanche.

Une célébration à ne pas manquer dans l'une ou l'autre de nos églises !

Église Assomption de Notre-Dame (samedi) et Église Sainte-Rosalie (dimanche)

Événement communautaire - Saint-Hyacinthe - Légion de Marie - ACIES

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554051600 1554058800

La Légion de Marie invite tous ses membres actifs et auxiliaires ainsi que vous tous et toutes, Amis(es) de la Vierge, au Grand Rassemblement annuel de l'ACIES qui aura lieu le dimanche 31 mars à 13h, au sous-sol de la Cathédrale de Saint-Hyacinthe, 1900 rue Girouard Ouest, salle Mgr Prince.

Les officiers de la Légion de Marie

Cathédrale St-Hyacinthe
1900, Girouard Ouest
J2S 7B4

Community Event - Niagara - Be a Dental Superhero with Quest CHC and

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553014800 1553097600

Calling all dentists, assistants and hygienists. Your unique talents will give vulnerable individuals in your community confidence, courage and the power to smile. The gift of Oral Health! April is National Volunteer Month and National Oral Health Month. What better time to reach out and get involved? And even though you are volunteering, you will be paid in six figures. "S-M-I-L-E-S". Learn more about Quest CHC's primary health care programs including our two fully equipped dental operatories. Call Shannon Douglas, Volunteer Dental Coordinator, (905) 688-2558 extension.240,

Quest Community Health Centre
145 Queenston St.
L2R 2Z9

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - 3 Spectacles pour 60 $

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553832000 1553918340

Les Productions Alfred vous invitent à vous procurer vos billets pour les trois spectacles qui composeront la programmation du printemps de Cabaret Royal. 3 spectacles pour seulement 60 $! 




Offre en vigueur jusqu'au 29 mars 2019.  Pour plus d'informations ou pour réserver vos billets, appelez au 819 474-2061.


Salle Le Royal
284 st-Marcel
J2B 5W4

Community Event - Niagara - Grimsby Seniors Club Speaker Series Event 3

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552968000 1553054340
1553054400 1553140740
1553140800 1553227140
1553227200 1553313540
1553313600 1553399940
1553400000 1553486340
1553486400 1553572800

Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant LHIN  Speaker Tami McCallum, Patient Care Manager, will provide information about:

  • LHIN Community Services, and especially,
  • Home care for seniors and suggestions for better access

Monday March 25, 1:30 pm @ Livingston Activity Centre, 18 Livingston Ave, Grimsby

  • Please call: (905)309-2075 to register
  • Everyone welcome
  • Free Admission
  • Draw and light refreshments


Livingston Activity Centre
18 Livingston Avenue
L3M 1K6
Grimsby Ontario