Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Sports and Sparkles Gala for Brain Injury Assoc

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554091200 1554177540

With this unique event Brain Injury Association of Windsor & Essex continues to work toward a common goal to raise awareness and funds for brain injury services and programs in Windsor-Essex County. Proceeds from Gala event go directly to support BIAWE. 

May 25, doors open 6pm at Central Park Athletics. $125 per tickets, $800 for a table of 8. Call 519-981-1329 or email

Central Park Athletics
3400 Grand Marais Rd. E
N8W 1W7

Community Event - North Bay - Interactive Book Reading with Waub Rice

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553361300 1553366700

We invite the public to join us at Nipissing University's Undergraduate Research Conference for an interactive book reading of Moon of the Crusted Snow with author Waub Rice.  The book reading takes place Saturday, March 23 from 1:15pm-2:45pm in Nipissing University's theatre.


Waubgeshig Rice is an author and journalist originally from Wasauksing First Nation. His first short story collection, Midnight Sweatlodge, was inspired by his experiences growing up in an Anishinaabe community and won an Independent Publishers Book Award in 2012. His debut novel, Legacy, followed in 2014. A French translation was published in 2017. His novel, Moon of the Crusted Snow, was released in October 2018. 

Nipissing University
100 College Drive
North Bay

Événement communautaire - Thetford Mines - Centre Régional du Deuil

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1554139800 1554147000

Le Centre Régional du Deuil, situé au 390 rue Labbé, invite les personnes endeuillées à sa rencontre mensuelle gratuite.

Lundi le 1er avril 2019 à 13h30

Thème: «La résurrection n'est pas un poisson d'avril»

Personne ressource: Monsieur Rosaire Gagné ptre

Pour information: Véronique Jacques tél: 418-335-3408

Centre Régional du Deuil
390 rue Labbé
G6G 1Z3
Thetford Mines

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - RCL - Steak BBQ Fundraiser

Submitted by cdanby on
1554436800 1554523140
1557028800 1557115140

May 5, doors open 12pm at Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 255, 5645 Wayndotte St. E. The day includes, 50/50 draw, silent auction, bake sale, good food, good friends and good times! Tickets available at RCL - BR. 255 at the bar. $25 tax included. Menu, 12 oz. steak, baked potato, tossed salad, bun. No children's menu. Cash only. Fundraiser in support of RCL parking lot restoration. 

Community Event - Sarnia - Lobster Dinner & Dance Fundraiser

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1560978000 1560996000

June 15th 2019 at 5:30 PM 

$40 per plate (1 - 1 1/4 lb fresh lobster) served with baked potato, veggies, coleslaw, dessert & coffee / tea.

All proceeds to go to the Teen group to support teens getting involved in their communities.

Call 519-541-0207 or to reserve your seat.



French Community Centre / Centre communautaire Francophone de Sarnia
3-901 The Rapids Pky
N7S 6K2

Événement communautaire - Drummondville - Comédie musicale "Fame"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1555027200 1555034400
1555113600 1555120800

Les 11 et 12 avril, dès 20 h, à la salle Georges-Dor du Cégep de Drummondville.

Venez découvrir tout le talent de ces jeunes musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, sonorisateurs et éclairagistes.

Billets en vente à la porte, les soirs de spectacle (admission générale - 15 $).

Salle Georges-Dor (Cégep de Drummondville)
950, rue Saint-Georges
J2C 6A2

Community Event - Belleville - Country Music and Open Mic Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553378400 1553387400

A fundraising event to rebuild the accessibility ramps at The H.O.P.E. Centre

Country Music At it’s best. John Milner and friends

Join our open mic as well.

Music At 6pm

The H.O.P.E. Centre
46 King St

Community Event - Belleville - Free Community Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1553205600 1553212800

1. Every first and third Thursday of the month join us at The H.O.P. E. Centre for a free community dinner. Dinner is served at 6pm.

Please join us this coming Thursday March 21st.

All Volunteer Managed.


The H.O.P.E Centre
46 King St.