Community Event - Kingston - Ontario Numismatic Association Annual Coin Show
The Ontario Numismatic Association is returning to the Kingston area on April 12-14, 2019. Are you interested in coins , paper money, bullion, silver, gold, Canadian Mint Products, etc? Then this is a must show to attend. The show will be held at the Ambassador Hotel & Conference Center, 1550 Princess St. Kingston. We have over 20 coin dealers to buy and sell from. Bring in your old coins and currency for appraisal or add to your current collection. We have free educational seminars on Friday and many specialty club meetings on Saturday such as the Canadian Tire Coupon Collectors club, Wooden Money collectors, Token collectors and the Canadian Centennial Collectors club. Bring the kids out to attend the RCNA Coin Kids table and special Kids only auction on Saturday April 13.
For more information or to register ahead of time, go to