Abridge Opera, Windsor's independent opera company, presents Cinderella at Willistead Manor on Wednesday, March 27 and Thursday, March 28 in partnership with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra. Performances begin at 8pm, preceded by a pre-concert talk with WSO's Assistant Conductor, Daniel Wiley, at 7pm.
This intimate performance is presented in a theatre-in-the-round style with the audience seated on the edge of the action as the classic fairy tale moved from room to room in the house. Audience members will immerse themselves in Cinderella's world as they sit in the living room and watch the Evil Stepmother ready her daughters for the king's ball, then move to the ballroom and witness Prince Charming and Cinderella fall in love. Cinderella, composed by Jules Massenet, will be accompanied by a sixteen-piece chamber ensemble composed of WSO players, conducted by Daniel Wiley. The title role is sung by Windsor native Amelia Daigle whose "Golden Age" voice is stunning in this French repertoire. Other Windsor natives include Naomie Eberhard as an Evil Stepsister, Tracey Atin as the narrator, as well as Jake Flynn, David Katich-McNamara and Max Arvidsson of the UoW, as aids to the Prince.
Abridge Opera founder Erin Armstrong direct with her Music Moves Kids Senior Choir performing as the Fairy Godmother's spirit helpers. Ther opera will be sung in French and runs 2 hours. Tickets are $50 for adults, $35 for students and are available online, www.squareup.com/store/abridged-opera or by calling 226-346-8372. Audience size is limited to fifty seats per show and expected to sell out.